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  1. leroy6


    Has anyone heard of Gulf coast beach sand? If so would this brand be suitable for a salt water tank?
  2. leroy6

    Dwarf Angels

    Thank You, did'nt know if one more fish would overcrowd it or not ; will leave it as is.
  3. leroy6

    Dwarf Angels

    I have a 75 gal. with a Yellow Tang 2 Green Chromis a Maroon Clown and a Coral Beauty. Is that a big enough tank to add a Flame Angel? Or will the 2 Angelfish fight?
  4. leroy6

    sick clown

    At feeding time I noticed the yellow tail damsel being aggresive with the clown even though he was a smaller fish. I removed him and now the clown is back to normal. Thank You!
  5. leroy6

    sick clown

    I have a 75 gal. with 10 lbs. liverock, 1 coral banded shrimp, a yellow tang, a coral beauty, 1 damselfish, 1 anemone. It has been setup 6 months; water tests are 8.2 ph 0 nitrites or ammonia, temp is 78. On Dec. 23 I added 2 turbo snails 1 gold band maroon clown( tank raised) and 5 lbs. lace...