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  1. stradifish

    what can I add

    thanks, would 3 plus the eel be my max
  2. stradifish

    what can I add

    I have a 72G FOWLR with a 3 inch Dog Face Puffer, Purpule tang and a 18 inch Zebra Moray. What else can I add. How many more fish? Any colorful suggestions? thanks
  3. stradifish

    tank conversion

    thanks, I will check out your suggestions
  4. stradifish

    tank conversion

    I have a 72g reef tank that I want to onvert to a agreesive set up FOWLR. I am ging to trade in all my corals to the LFS. I want to put in a dogface puffer, a zebra eel keep my current purple tang and add 2 more fish. Will this be ok and if so what other 2 fish can I add. I am also building a...
  5. stradifish

    sharks in 250g

    what kind of shark would you suggest go into a 250 gallon. Which ones would be more active and which ones would be more passive? thanks
  6. stradifish

    250 gallon stocking list

    I am doing a built in 250 gallon tank in my new house. I currently have a 72 bow reef tank. For the 250g I want to do larger aggressive fish. Definetly a puffer. What do you reccomend? Also besides live rock what else can go in this tank Masked Puffer Clown trigger some type of eel