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  1. rhino

    Need percula advice!!!!

    I have had many clowns and anytime they are in pairs they seem to do the dance. I always hoped they were maiting but no luck yet!
  2. rhino

    Sand beds and high flow

    Well that works but I need the high flow for the sps.
  3. rhino

    Sand beds and high flow

    The tank is a 125 long 72 x 18 x 18. I currently have the seios mounted in the rear corners pointed at the surface and towards the back. This moves the sand the least but still makes the sand bed look like crap. I am also concerned that the shifting sand bed is releasing bad things into the...
  4. rhino

    Sand beds and high flow

    What is a rdsb? A really deap sand bed? You think that adding a larger media to the mix should help?
  5. rhino

    Sand beds and high flow

    i have tried pointing the pumps in every direction and the sand shifts after a couple of days. I think I need to weigh down the sand or mix in heavier sand.
  6. rhino

    Sand beds and high flow

    I currently have a tank that I will be stocking with sps corals. I have added some high flow seio pumps but can only run them on low because the flow causes my sugar sized sand to shift all over the place. I still want to keep the beneficial nitrate reducing charcacteristics of the small grain...
  7. rhino

    Anyone use a seio controller?

    I just bought a seio controller for my 2 1100's. Man am I pissed. When the power ramps up the seio's make a grinding noise like when they start up. When the pumps ramp down their is no noise. But I need a short interval of surges so I hear this ginding sound every 15 secs or so. Anyone use...
  8. rhino

    Fresh vacancies!

    Lets see...They want yoou to funnel their money through your bank account. Hey this doesn't seem like laundering!
  9. rhino

    Diff between acro and milli

    Ok been up for 4 years now: 125 long (18" high) ev 180 protien skimmer 2 140w VHO (1 actinic, 1 10k) 3 175w 20k 20 gallon sump w/ chaeto 2 mj1200 modded 3" ls bed 150lbs live rock zoas gsp's gbta (hes actually splitting right now ) haddoni anemone frogspawn galaxy ora chips acro (new) flame...
  10. rhino

    Diff between acro and milli

    I am just starting out with some sps. I have purchased an acro and its doing great. At first its tenacles were out all the time. Now they don't come out at all. The corals color has not changed should I be worried? And my primary question: What is the difference between a milliapora and an...
  11. rhino

    2 Bta's compatible?

    Will 2 bta's fight if they are placed right next to each other. i have a gbta and am getting a rbta and they will have to be placed right next to each other.
  12. rhino

    Are 2 bta's compatible?

    I am getting a rbta and I am going to add it to a tank that already has a gbta. I plan on placeing them in very near proximity. Will they be ok or will they harm each other. My tank has pretty high flow so their is only one spot of lower flow that I think it will like which is where the gbta is.
  13. rhino

    WTB: small male onyx

    What is that
  14. rhino

    fish tanks for sale

    If its acrylic and you will ship I'll take the 38
  15. rhino

    Seio Powerheads & Contoller

    These still for sale?
  16. rhino

    Just got a rose tip anemone what is it doing?

    Yeah could be a light acclimation issue. Hey by the way I am looking for a bright red one, how much did you pay for it and where did you get it?
  17. rhino

    Killer Carpet Anemone

    Well I did and false percs are a normal match with these carpets. What a relationship. Its almost like marriage... They lure you in and....
  18. rhino

    Killer Carpet Anemone

    The three fish he has eaten were small clowns.
  19. rhino

    Killer Carpet Anemone

    Anyone have experiences with carpets?
  20. rhino

    Killer Carpet Anemone

    I just got an order of new fish in a few days ago that consisted of 2 Black and White Percs and a carpet (hadoni) anemone. Well every day for the past 3 days i have woken up to find missing fish. The first 2 nights I lost both of the B&W's and last night I lost another clown. I can't find...