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  1. wxman2

    Dont fish sleep?

    Great question. The 4 clowns that I have sort of just float around at night like their drunk. But the next day, their great!
  2. wxman2

    Dead Fish ... High Nitrite ??

    I went on vacation for a few days and when I came back I had 2 fish dead at the bottom of the tank. BEFORE, I went on vacation, the fish were doing great. Anyway, after 'fishing' the dead fish out of the tank, I noticed my nitrites were very high. I test my water just about every 3 days and...
  3. wxman2

    The BIG Freeze !!

    NEVER GO ON VACATION FOLKS !! I have an 90 gallon oceanic tank with 4 Heniocus, 1 Blue Hippo, 4 Clowns, 1 Flame Angel, and 1 Yellow Tang. Went to Vegas last Thursday for vacation (I live in Dallas, TX) and the temp. here at home was 78. No problem for the tank. Came back, temp. HERE in Dallas...
  4. wxman2

    Ammonia Problem.

    I changed about 40% of the water and everthing is reading fine now. The tang is doing great and the ammonia is down to pratically 0....a big difference from what it was before I did the water change. This was a drastic amount of water that I changed, but everything turned out great. I...
  5. wxman2

    Ammonia Problem.

    I have a 48 galloon, FO, tank and noticed that the ammonia went sky high the other day. This after taking a reading about a week ago reading nearly 0. I have 2 skimmers going and am wondering if 'maybe' I'm feeding too much. I DO feed every day, but NOT that much. I have 4 clowns, a small...
  6. wxman2

    Ph.... Why Don't You Go Down ??

    Where can you get such 'an animal'?
  7. wxman2

    Ph.... Why Don't You Go Down ??

    I have a 48 gallon oceanic FO tank. Tank is doing fine...Nitrite = 0, Ammonia = 0, Nitrate = 20-30. I do a partial water change (10-15 gallons) every 10 days approximatey. The fish are doing GREAT! BUT, my PH is reading about 8.8. Even the new water (DI at that) reads very high...8.7 plus...
  8. wxman2

    PH question for your fish !!

    D-Money: Got my PH Meter today and it works great! Calibrated it right off the bat and came off with a PH of 8.1. Seems pretty accurate. The information says that this device is only good for 'perhaps a year' or so. Is this true....or does it depend on how much you use it? Where can I get...
  9. wxman2

    Temperature of your tank anyone ?

    I have a FO tank and was wondering what is an ideal temperature to keep it? I have mine between 77-79 degrees. I seems to vary at night to 77, and daytime to around 79. Is this alright? The bright lights are adding a lot of heat...even with the canopy open. Fish are doing great, but am a...
  10. wxman2

    2 protein skimmers ??

    I'll have to check. One was around $30, and the other was about $65. I don't know anything about Euroreef, but I'll check. Thanks for getting back to me. DOES ANYONE OUT THERE RUN 2 SKIMMERS ? wxman2:confused:
  11. wxman2

    PH question for your fish !!

    Yea. That's what I was looking for. $60 was a little high, but I guess you get what you paid for. This should work perfectly. Thanks. wxman2
  12. wxman2

    PH question for your fish !!

    Does anyone know a GOOD instrument or a device that measures PH in a saltwater FO tank accurately? I keep looking at a colored piece of paper to get a reading and am not sure if thats accurate or not. Plus..where should the PH be around? 8.3? ... 8.4? I have a couple of clowns, a tang, and a...
  13. wxman2

    2 protein skimmers ??

    I have inherited an extra protein skimmer and was wondering if I should hook it up. I have a 48 gallon oceanic FO tank and already have one on the back of it. BUT, this extra one will fit nicely in the sump of the filter below. IS IT WORTH IT? Do I get any advantage of doing this? Or should...