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  1. kmg

    fish from tsunami

    Amazing what happens when you bring a penguin up from the South Pole to the warmer Indian Ocean climate... :D
  2. kmg

    HEY now,

    ...i don't get it...:rolleyes:
  3. kmg

    What on earth has happened to me??

    Hey Ryan.... Always had a feeling that you would land in something like this. I miss your old www ste. I used to go there frequently...but I do appreciate the CSL messages from time to time. He's one of my favorite writers, and he hit the nail on the head when he said, "We don't need more...
  4. kmg

    San Jose

    I went to school over the hill from San Santa Cruz. A 20 minute drive when there's no traffic. 1+ hours during rush hour. Still....worth the drive...great beach town, and great boardwalk. Really cool outdoor mall, too....totally 60's feel to it with street performers, etc. Also...
  5. kmg

    What's your ...

    Redeemed :D
  6. kmg

    Scott Peterson

    Originally posted by Reef_Magic ...o well, he's still goin to hell:D Originally posted by lovethesea hope he does!... Wow.... :scared: You guys are ruthless.... There is such a thing as being innocent until proven guilty in this country... I agree that ALL the evidence is really...
  7. kmg

    Why do I live in a town...

    How old are you? Do you live at home?
  8. kmg

    Why do I live in a town...

    Where do you live?
  9. kmg

    What is everyone's career?

    uhhhhhhhh..... it's classified. :D
  10. kmg

    What is everyone's career?

    Ambassador.... :rolleyes:
  11. kmg

    Old pictures of yourself?

    DeepBlue got banned because he posted a link to a vendor who sells GFCI powerstrips... :rolleyes: I thought it was a great screenname, too.... too bad. Live-n-learn! Lessee how long KMG makes it! :D Waterfaller.... you got it! How's the happy clown-couple? Any fry? :)
  12. kmg

    Old pictures of yourself?

    Nice pics everyone.... I have an old one of me on my mac (32-ish years old, but it looks to most like it must be 20 years old...) the interest of remaining flame-free...I'll refrain. :) Long story, huh Melody? Happy Sunday to all...go to church! :) KMG
  13. kmg


    Happy Birthday to you!!! :)
  14. kmg

    Wow, thats a new precedent

    Daniel... You lost me... :rolleyes: Who wrote that quote? Thanks
  15. kmg

    Wow, thats a new precedent

    Hi Guys-- We're on unsteady ground these days... Three years ago in Germany, Armin Meiwes placed a personal ad on the Internet, seeking "a young, well-built man who wants to be eaten." That's twisted all by itself, but it's not the worst part of the story. The worst part is that someone answered...
  16. kmg

    Cool Hitchhiker...can somebody please ID?

    I have one other pic on my camera here at the office. I'll attach it here. If it's too fuzzy, I can try another tonight... Thanks
  17. kmg

    Cool Hitchhiker...can somebody please ID?

    Hey Everyone... Been lurking since I got booted...don't ask. :rolleyes: Anyway, can somebody please ID this little guy for me? It came on the coral skeleton thing you see in the pic, which I grabbed from the LR tank at the LFS. Cost me 50 cents. :) Thanks!
  18. kmg

    best TV show of all time...might be easier than the movie thread!

    Lois and Clark I Love Lucy The West Wing What can I say? I have varied tastes!
  19. kmg

    Best movie of all time??

    Hmmm.... 1. The Passion of the Christ (an instant, and timeless, classic) 2. Star Wars (original trilogy) 3. Planes, Teains and Automobiles! (those aren't pillows!) 4. The Princess Bride 5. Saving Private Ryan
  20. kmg


    Halloween (the first one...mid-80's) was by FAR the scariest for me...:scared: