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  1. jnc

    175 Gal Bow Front - Arkansas

  2. jnc

    175 Gal Bow Front - Arkansas

    I will be here all week.. email me at and I can give you the particulars in how to get here, and my phone number to call.. Thanks, Canasa
  3. jnc

    175 Gal Bow Front - Arkansas

    I aplogize for the delay in responding to those of you who have emailed me. My wife caught me off guard... ;) Here is the content of what is being sold... Basics ====== 175 Gallon Bow Front Black Stand & Hood (Tank & Stand approx. 72x72") 3 x 250 Watt MH (Icecap ballasts) 2 x 160 Watt VHO...
  4. jnc

    175 Gal Bow Front - Arkansas

    Originally Posted by ImUrNamine It's still beautiful! Thanks.. we really hate to give this away... Hubby is just now emailing those that emailed him with particulars... To buy everything BRAND new, what is sitting there, or what you see is $12,000.00 and A LOT of that was the best prices we...
  5. jnc

    175 Gal Bow Front - Arkansas

  6. jnc

    175 Gal Bow Front - Arkansas

    He just got home, and saw his gmail acct. He said he will email those that are interested with particulars Sat, (tomorrow) and they can come by to see it on Sunday... So if you are interested and want to see the tank, email and he will respond tomorrow... Uh.. I feel so dumb.. he JUST looked at...
  7. jnc

    175 Gal Bow Front - Arkansas

    Oh yeah he has better and bigger plans... He is going to to a homemade built-in. LOL. Just trying to figureo ut how to keep the water at the right temp while travelling is a hassel... :( We certainly will keep up on this hobby.. and you will see us back here when we start setting up. Our...
  8. jnc

    175 Gal Bow Front - Arkansas

    We have a 175 Gal Bow front for sale. Below is a link to a picture of it. If you click our ID you can pick up various pictures with our posts here on the board. We are moving away (1300 miles away) and need to sell it all... It's beautiful, and we hate to part with it. It won't make it that...
  9. jnc

    175 Bow

    You've got a GREAT looking tank there... As for getting a new 175 Bowfront... I've got one and would not get another one... Don't get me wrong... Mine is beautiful from a distance but I like to get up close and look at "stuff". Looking straight ahead is fine up close, but if something...
  10. jnc

    Cleanup Crew with RODI

    Yeah... Specifically, I'd hold off on the emeralds until the second phase... You'd probably be good half the snails, half the hermits and no emeralds. It's easy to add them later....
  11. jnc

    What critters can I have in a fuge?

    I put a small cleanup crew in mine but I don't know if they're helping anything... But hey, they can't be hurting! They're definitely not going hungry...
  12. jnc

    Cleanup Crew with RODI

    I'd do a two step cleanup crew.... Half now and half later... Otherwise, I would think that they might starve... And you're right! Having a problem where there are no problems has GOT to suck! :D Congrats!
  13. jnc

    new guy

    OH! And welcome to the board!
  14. jnc

    new guy

    viet-tin is correct in that it is hard on the fish and some may die. A lot of LFS will recommend the route of cycling with fish. Not that I want to see a fish suffer, but if it has to happen, I'd rather it was a damsel... :)
  15. jnc

    new guy

    Looks like you're doing well then... Diatoms are a natural part of the cycle... As Big911Dog says... Red would indicate cyno, which is nothing to get "too" excited about at this point but something that you would want to eliminate. It would appear like a red film, possibly with hair-like...
  16. jnc

    Why should I?

    Thanks, on the tank compliment... :) It's been a lot of work and money but I think it pays for itself in pleasure. And yes, I probably would go with the PVC bracing, even when placing the rock before the sand... Though I like your idea as it would provide a solid base... IMHO and it IS "H"...
  17. jnc

    Why should I?

    The impact, had it colapsed? Total could have been in excess of 100lbs of LR shifting or falling. Cracked glass? Crushed corals? Who knows?
  18. jnc

    Why should I?

    Closeup for a visual on the depth of the hole...
  19. jnc

    Why should I?

    After the move...
  20. jnc

    Why should I?

    I saw a post from way back that described a tank setup and the discussion spawned to the importance of a solid foundation for your rock. The group went into the different details of things like gluing the rock to PVC blocks for a base... It all made sense... But I knew I had no intention of...