Search results

  1. falconski

    I need a good eel recommendation

    Well, it all depends on what kind of eel you want. Do you want small and docile that keep to themselves or do you want an aggressive outgoing eel that isnt always hiding and is often on the prowl for snacks? The snowflake is very popular but I find mine to be kind wimpy. He hangs in the rock...
  2. falconski

    eel keepers...anyone using cleaner shrimp?

    I have a coral banded in with both my SFE and my Blackedge, never a problem.
  3. falconski

    Pros and cons of eel species?

    Pooch, Sounds like my Blackedge. I put in a very large Gold sleeper Goby and the blackedge ate him in one gulp. This fish was 6-7" long and cost me $25! For some reason he does not bother the 3 damsels I have in the tank although he could easily eat them at any time. This past morning I got to...