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  1. mwalter


    No, I do set-up and maintenance on tanks and a restaurant with a 270 reef asked me to look at their fish.
  2. mwalter


    Can someone tell me if fin rot is left untreated, can it eventually turn into an infection on the body? The fish I saw were all tangs (yellow, blue hep, sailfin) with horrible fin rot and a black/brown sore spreading over the body. Sorry, will post a pic asap, thanks!
  3. mwalter

    linkia ?

    Can someone tell me whether or not you can handle linkia stars? My LFS said the oils from your hands are toxic to them. Thanks.
  4. mwalter

    linkia star ?

    I know that linkias are not supposed to be exposed to the air while acclimating, but my LFS tells me that touching them with your hands will also kill them. Is this true? And can anyone explain necrosis? Is that when they turn white and start to "unravel"? What causes this? Thanks -M