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  1. dr_buddah

    Can ANyone ID???

    I will post a pic later tonight or tomorrow, but I bought a HUGE hermit crab over the weekend. Its size is between a Regular Baseball and a Softball. Anyways, on the shell of this crab is 5 or 6 Volcano looking things. When you look at these Volcano type things, little things stick out, and...
  2. dr_buddah

    Serpant star Massacre

    Just thought I would share this info with you: We have 2 SW Tanks at my house, My dads 45 gallon bow front, and my 100 gallon. Mine was having problems keeping snails alive, so when it appeared as if my emerald crab wasnt doing so well, We acclimated him into my dads tank, in hopes he would...
  3. dr_buddah

    Snail Question

    I thought it was copper too, but after buying a $16 test kit, I came to the conclusion that it wasnt copper. Acclimation process: I float them for about Half Hour, then every 10 minutes I add a little bit of Tank Water. I do this 3-4 times, then let them go. I do this with everything. All...
  4. dr_buddah

    Snail Question

    Ok Guys I have a question that is puzzling me. My tank is now over 2 months old. The initial Dozen snails I put in, didnt move whatsoever. So I waited awile, they were rendered dead, then last week replaced them with another dozen snails. 2 are active, the others just lay in the sand bed...
  5. dr_buddah

    Power HEad Question

    I just talked with my buddy here at Lawrence Tech, Who happens to be a Electrical Engineering Student. He said the same thin you did about that potentiometer. We are going to modify mine this may once classes calm down for a bit.
  6. dr_buddah

    Power HEad Question

    Im all over the controlling the flow rate. How does $150 per powe head sound toy ou guys? Im gonna be rich!!!
  7. dr_buddah

    Power HEad Question

    Yeah, I fugure a dial type fixture, that can control the speed of the motor. I think that would Work! Dont steal my idea Im gonna patent it and sell it to all of you for millions!!!
  8. dr_buddah

    Power HEad Question

    Well, Seeing as I am a Mechanical Engineer student, I may look into this, design, and build. It just kind of makes sense to be able to adjust the flowrate.
  9. dr_buddah

    Power HEad Question

    I currently am using Penguin Power heads (4 for my 100 gal tank). I am looking for a powerhead that lets you control not only air/water mixture (which mine does now) but the flow rate as well. You inow, so when I feed the fish i can turn the flow rate down, rather than unplugging it. Any help...