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  1. awligon

    Interactive Tank Building

    Good lookin' out. I got a pump for water movement today at.... the LFS!!! Look out now. It's a maxi-jet 1200. The guy there seems pretty nice and there's pumps for movement in most tanks I see, so I got it. I almost got this huge bubble tip anemone and tomato clown that was snuggled up in...
  2. awligon

    Interactive Tank Building

    South Charlotte, NC, US. Thanks for the advice. The tank's 3ft long and 2ft high. What kind of corals can I keep with the lighting? it's two 96W bulbs, one day, one blue for 55 gallons. That's like 3.5 w/g right? I just need some direction on what to get and how to get started. It's been a...
  3. awligon

    Interactive Tank Building

    and this is the worm. There's tons of them.
  4. awligon

    Interactive Tank Building

    sorry to keep bugging you guys... What's the tree looking thing growing on my rock?
  5. awligon

    Interactive Tank Building

    Is that relatively low light? I'm feeding the coral and anemone cyclopeeze (sp?) right now. Not too much though b/c it seems to just float around if I do more than a 1/4 tblspoon in the turkey baster. Also, give the setup, what are some acceptable combos of coral/inverts/fish? How many...
  6. awligon

    Interactive Tank Building

    Thanks for the helpful advice. I'll keep that in mind. Maybe I should have bought it from NASA?
  7. awligon

    Interactive Tank Building

    light hood's got 96W daylight and 96W blue 400 Penguin Filter 1xx something Penguin Filter Excalibur skimmer The anemone's chillin. He's good....
  8. awligon

    Interactive Tank Building

    Sorry.. forgot the pic
  9. awligon

    Skimmer issues

    gotcha. I was looking for a "sliding valve" as mentioned in the instructions. I read that "riser pipe" and knew right off. Thanks.
  10. awligon

    Interactive Tank Building

    Tell me what to do!!!!!!! I'm learning how to maintain the tank. It's been running two months and I haven't done much. 55 Gallons. All that's in there now is about 60lbs of various stages of live rock, an anemone, a torch coral, five hermit crabs, five snails, and some funky worms that crawl...
  11. awligon

    Skimmer issues

    so where's this slider that controls it? Anyone familiar with it?
  12. awligon

    Skimmer issues

    I just got an Excalibur Protein Skimmer by Advanced Aquaria. There's two problems. A: I put it between two filters and now I can't find the switch to control flow. B: Is it not supposed to bubble to the top?
  13. awligon

    My clownfish is gone

    I don't quite understand the anacronyms yet so take it easy there buddy. I just picked up on LFS.
  14. awligon

    My clownfish is gone

    I did put bacteria in there to break it down and help with cushioning the effects of the newness.
  15. awligon

    My clownfish is gone

    Originally posted by ivanfj First off, welcome to the board How long is your tank been set up?? If it's a new tank, then I think you are undergoing a cycle and most fish won't live through a cycle. Do you do any test?? If not, buy a test kit and test for ammo, nitrite, nitrate, and pH. Tell...
  16. awligon

    My clownfish is gone

    Ok... Let me start by saying that I am a complete newbie at SW aquariums and I am mainly ignorant to this stuff. My clownfish is gone. I got a 55gal tank and everything is going well but I came home this evening and he's no where to be seen. I have two tangs and a damsel in there as well...