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  1. mrb

    Feeding Bangii

    Hi group: I've had a bangii cardinal for about a week . It seemed to feed originally on live brine. Now if I try any frozen food it swims up to the food as though it is interested but it has not eaten for 2 days. Any suggestions? Garlic?
  2. mrb

    What now ?

    There is no LR or LS. Fish only
  3. mrb

    What now ?

    My 55 gal was set up for 6 weeks. 2 perc, 2 yellow tail damsels doing fine. No inverts. Went to LFS and added flame angel and yellow tang. On day 5 the tang was covered in white pinhead "cysts". The angel was not eating. All water parameters are fine. I tried a fresh water dip but within 24...