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  1. pgipson

    Lost My Tang (Big Yellow)

    Using SALT WATER MASTER TEST KIT by Aquarium Pharm. Ph is at 8.2 Clown looks good move him to display tank today. Went to LFS and got a Phosphate test kit by Aquarium System it read 1.0 Directions does not say whats good. What should it be? Salinity still at 1.022 All the fish look really great...
  2. pgipson

    Lost My Tang (Big Yellow)

    TY Rabbitfish.............duh! Remember I'm new at this can you help me out a little. Your help is GREATLY appreciated!
  3. pgipson

    Lost My Tang (Big Yellow)

    In a couple of months I will be purchasing 110 gal. How many tangs? Any suggestions on what to put in with it so the blue is not stressed?
  4. pgipson

    Lost My Tang (Big Yellow)

    Will get it to 1.025. Any more suggestions. The blue yellow tail damsels, starfish, fire clam and condi anemones are doing fine.
  5. pgipson

    Lost My Tang (Big Yellow)

    Sorry! No I was not quarantining them. It was not recommended. Since I joined the website it has been VERY helpful. Anyway... My PH level is 8.4, my Ammonia is at zero, my Nitrite is at zero and my Nitrate is yellow (sorry no card). My salinity level is 21. The temp is 76-78. My Yellow Tang...
  6. pgipson

    Lost My Tang (Big Yellow)

    Lost Old Yellow to Ick! My maroon clown has been in QT for 3 days. Blue Tang is laying down alot (no ick). I have a 55 gallon tank and over the last few months I have lost ALOT of fish. What is going on! Water levels and temp are all okay. HELP! Trying not to get discouraged.