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  1. edward

    Something is eating my Zoa's

    Do you have any "micro-stars"? Although they don't seem to feed on some of my colonies of Zoos, they are particularly fond of others. Anyone have a solution for these critters? Any luck with harlquin (sp) shrimp?
  2. edward

    Fish food recs please

    I swear on Spectrum pellets. Only bad part is that they float and tend to flow into overfllow. Might supplement with frozen/live once in a while.
  3. edward

    algae algae everywhere

    Remember algae need food (among other things Nitrate and Phosphate and light). Cut the food source out of the equation and they will not thrive. Extra algae eaters will only compound problems with water quality through excess bioload or die when the algae is controlled.
  4. edward

    algae algae everywhere

    Originally Posted by angelgirl [SIZE=3]I have a 50 gallon reef tank that I have left dormant for 3 years, I am attempting to start it up again, My cleanup crew is alive and healty, infact they have all grown huge, there are crabs that are so big they fall off the rocks. I started with water...
  5. edward

    DIY Rocks

    Let rock sit in water with circulation for a few weeks. Worry about residual chemical/elements.
  6. edward

    New 20 gallon! Need a little help.

    Before buying anything you must ask yourself what animals will you house in your aquarium. The biggest mistake many people make when purchasing equipment for their tank is not taking into account what their ultimate goal is for the tank at hand. You may find that you already have everything...
  7. edward

    How many to add at once?

    The "general rule of thumb" for fish limits in fish only saltwater tank is two gallons per inch of fish. When calculating the inches, use the adult max size of the fish species, not the size they are now. Furthermore, remember that some species require more room to swim than others.
  8. edward

    Somethin i found...

    These are starfish. They are completely harmless from what I've seen in my own reef tanks as well as been told. They are about a little bit smaller than a dime with non-symmetrical arms right?
  9. edward


    You should have in your posession a standard saltwater test kit which should include pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate tests. You will be making sure that your nitrate kit is working correctly/accurate since that is what you are having probs with.
  10. edward

    Reef Setup Supplies

    Figure on $20-$30/gallon of tank for equipment and set up not including organisms.
  11. edward


    Use a friend's test kit or have water checked by the LFS. Sometimes kits are inaccurate.
  12. edward


    I agree with po-po as far as trying to find the source first before trying to put a patch on the problem. 1.) How old is the tank? 2.) Are you using a protein skimmer? 3.) How is your tank stocked-too heavy? 4.) Overfeeding? 5.) Hiding spots for detrius? 6.) Mechanical filter new? 7.)...
  13. edward

    HELP! Chemistry went haywire!

    Probably could have been numerous reasons. A) Children. B) Children C) All of the above.
  14. edward

    Zoos not doing well under MH??

    Forgot, 5 zoo colonies, all three near the top close once the lights kick on.
  15. edward

    Zoos not doing well under MH??

    Hello Everyone, Although I don't have a reef friendly sized tank, I decided to go ahead and give corals a shot. I have a 200gal tall in wall. It is a little over 3 feet deep and 4 feet wide. It has about 175 lbs. of live rock stacked up near the top of the tank. I placed several types of...
  16. edward

    First corals!

    I have found that most of the corals you are contemplating will survive in these lighting conditions for a short period of time, however, very poorly. I have tried to use the relatively the same lighting scheme (65X2 over a 29gal) in the past with marginal luck. I managed to keep them alive...
  17. edward

    I.D. Plz: little venus flytraps??

    NOT opening up all the way is what I meant, but are you sure about an "inch wide?"
  18. edward

    I.D. Plz: little venus flytraps??

    Possibly Zooanthus that is opening up all the way.
  19. edward


    Our city has the best Zoo (and sports teams, ha!) in the country. If you like animals, you have to go here. There is a small aquatics area in the living world. There is also an aquatics section in the City Museum, however it is a joke. They spent lots of money on it and rushed it's...
  20. edward

    Ordering Fish online...

    You don't always get what you pay for. Sizes are rarely depicted correctly. Rarely you get something larger, more often times something smaller. I have had good luck overall from this site. However,better luck in the beginning than lately. Not sure if this has something to do with climate...