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  1. mismodliz

    Powerhead power in a 30G

    Originally Posted by 100 Guppi ABSOULUTLY NO TANGS FIT IN A 30 GAL!!!! DO YOUR RESEARCH That's why I'm here. LFS said it was ok, but I wasn't so sure.
  2. mismodliz

    Recommended clean-up crew?

    Normally, yes, we have algae on rocks, sand, and glass. We recently scrubbed again (still fighting the hair algae) so it's not as thick as before... although the hair algae is on it's way back again.
  3. mismodliz

    lr question

    How long would you expect the cure and cycle would take, then, since not everything will be LR to start with?
  4. mismodliz

    Powerhead power in a 30G

    We have a 30G setup with lr (maybe 16lbs?), thin sand bed, mushrooms, watchman goby, lawnmower blenny, cleaner shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp, and a false precula. We are working our way out of a hair algae outbreak and would like to acquire many more corals: hammer, xeniz, colt to start plus an...
  5. mismodliz

    Powerhead power in a 30G

    In a 30G setup, should the powerhead run 24 hours or just when the lights are on? Also, how much power is recommended (gph)? One powerhead or two?
  6. mismodliz

    lr question

    I am getting my to-do list together for the nano I want to start. I have some rock available (was LR that husband took out of 30G and scrubbed during a hair algae outbreak). Could I buy one good piece of LR and use some of this dry rock as base with it or is it better for my tank (and cycling)...
  7. mismodliz

    Recommended clean-up crew?

  8. mismodliz

    Live rock out of water

    If you take live rock out of water and it dries out... is it still considered live rock? How long will things thrive on it? I ask because we decided to cut back on the amount of live rock a few months ago during a horrible outbreak of hair algae. We also pulled a rock populated with bristle...
  9. mismodliz

    Recommended clean-up crew?

    What/how much is recommended for a 30G tank? I think we are seriously lacking in the departments, and I would love some feedback and info. We have... 1 cleaner shrimp 2 peppermint shrimp 1 hermit crab 1 turbo snail with... Lawnmower blenny Watchman goby False precula Mushrooms, live rock, live sand
  10. mismodliz

    New to Nanos ... Advice needed

    I have a 10G freshwater tank that I would like to turn into a saltwater tank. I am more interested in corals than anything else, but a fish or two would be okay. So, where do I start? I've read so many posts here, but everyone seems to be using the aquapods. What filtration system is...
  11. mismodliz

    what polyp?

    We had a problem with aispstasia overtaking our tank awhile back. Ours were pinkish in color, and they multiplied quickly! We bought some peppermint shrimp, and they eventually got rid of the problem for us. Here is a picture of aipstasia.
  12. mismodliz

    10G Tank?

    In every LFS we go to, there is always a small reef tank. Does anyone have tips on creating one of these? What can go into them and what should I avoid? One we saw today even had little corals! We have a 10G I could use for this, but I have no idea about the rules concerning a very small tank...
  13. mismodliz

    Mysterious crab??

    A friend of mine has a nano tank. She just purchased a piece of live rock, and this little guy came out of it. Any ideas? (The photo is in true color)
  14. mismodliz

    sick pulsing xenia?

    Thanks for all of your help. - We do have a powerhead to help move water. - Water is topped off once a week or depending on what the tank needs. We strive to keep it full. We will test the pH and other levels tonight.
  15. mismodliz

    sick pulsing xenia?

    That's what I figured since it started after the skimmer went down. So start with checking pH levels? A checklist to go through?
  16. mismodliz

    sick pulsing xenia?

    It's my boyfriend's tank, so I'll answer the questions as best I can. I help with it, though. Temp - same Salinity - same We use RO water and have a protein skimmer. Don't know about pH or dkh (??) flux. We can start there. The protein skimmer was down for a couple of weeks. We finally got it up...
  17. mismodliz

    sick pulsing xenia?

    Our pulsing xenia has taken a turn for the worse in the last few weeks. It has been fine for the last year but now it has white spots on it and is shrinking. Any ideas? Is it a total loss?
  18. mismodliz

    feeding mandarin goby

    Yes, the mandarin and the scooter blenny both eat the brine shrimp we give them - they took to it from the start. I never knew that people had trouble getting them to eat prepared foods. I will look for the cyclo-peeze, though, and add it to their diet. Anything that increases nutrition levels...
  19. mismodliz

    White bug type things

    I think so... I googled "copepods" and found some pretty detailed info. Seems like that's what it is. Still learning about all of the creatures that can develop or hitch-hike so thanks for the suggestions!
  20. mismodliz

    feeding mandarin goby

    how would we go about setting one up? If you know of a previous post that would help, you can point me there... or you can e-mail me a link to a site that describes it, also, since you can't post links here. Just grateful for any info... thanks!