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  1. amandalh76

    Did I do the right thing?Help,please!

    the "old" fish is the sick fish. I have him in a tank by himself, the salinity of the tank he came from is 21 the QT is at about 17. This morning the new fish in the established tank looks o.k., my old fish is in QT and he seems o.k. also, I'm just going to watch that sore. The first two fish...
  2. amandalh76

    agressive flame hawkfish???

  3. amandalh76

    agressive flame hawkfish???

    I have a flame hawkfish, I have read about him but I'm not finding anything about him being agressive, I have a new clown and I cant quite catch him but I think he might be pushing the new clown around, stressing him out, should I worry about this? The clown is small and the hawk is not.
  4. amandalh76

    Did I do the right thing?Help,please!

    I recently starting trying to get a mate for my clownfish. I got two from the same pet store at different times, each died within 3 days. My water is o.k., so I just thought the clowns came from a bad place, my clownfish has stopped eating since each of his "friends" death. Tonight I went and...