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  1. malli1


    Our nitrite level is fine, it is our nitrate level that is out of control. We have a sailfin tang, a coral beauty, 2 scooter blennies, a blue cheek gobie, a porkfish, and 3 clowns. We just lost 2 of our porkfish, I believe the one remaining was terrorizing them and they died from ich and...
  2. malli1


    :help: We have a 125 gallon saltwater tank, up and running since Jan. We perform water changes weekly, at least 20% of the water. Our nitrate levels have slowly been creeping up, and now they are at 80!!! Our ph is 8.2, ammonia 0, nitrites 0,salinity .022. We have live rock in addition to our...
  3. malli1

    Clown Died. Parasite?

    I'm sorry to hear that. Sorry, but I have little experience myself and don't feel confident enough to offer advice. Good luck with your other fish. I'm sure one of the knowledgeable people on this forum will respond.
  4. malli1

    Help! Pinkish warts(?) on clown

    there are some light pinkish warts (raised bumps) above mouth and below eyes on my sebae clown. My 125 fish only tank has been up since the beginning of Jan. '04. Clowns have been in since the beginning of Feb. I just completed a regime of "kick ich" and had my skimmer turned off. As a...
  5. malli1


    :help: One of my clownfish has 2 red bumps near his eyes, they haven't changed at all and don't seem to bother him, as he is eating well and behaving normally. I am really hoping someone else has knowledge about what this is...please respond soon, I have posted this ?
  6. malli1

    spots on Clown

    My tank has been set-up since the beginning of Jan. '04. My water has tested great since cycling. I would like to get the nitrates below 20 where they have been testing consistently. My question is this: Last evening I noticed on one of the three Sebae clowns two symetrical light reddish nodules...
  7. malli1

    Palany Tang?

    Has anyone ever heard of a Palany Tang? It's brownish type fish.:notsure:
  8. malli1

    Raised spots on Sebae

    My tank has been set-up since the beginning of Jan. '04. My water has tested great since cycling. I would like to get the nitrates below 20 where they have been testing consistently. My question is this: Last evening I noticed on one of the three Sebae clowns two symetrical reddish nodules...