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  1. rmaier

    Thin Hippo/ Yellow Tang going down

    I have been feeding them blood worms, and Brine shimp... Some flake here and there. Both of the fish are 4 years old. Thanks for any help.
  2. rmaier

    Thin Hippo/ Yellow Tang going down

    The Tank is mainly a fish tank... Moving toward a reef. 60 lbs of live rock. Filtration is canister, wetdry, and protein skimmer. Water chemistry looks good. Ph, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia. I just can't figure out why the Hippo keeps loosing weight. ???
  3. rmaier

    Thin Hippo/ Yellow Tang going down

    I need help... My Hippo Tang is getting very thin. He eats like a horse and spends his day in front of the filter return. Now I notice that my Yellow Tang is loosing color. Does anyone have any advice for a novice. These fish are 4 years old... Never had any problems untill these last few...