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  1. gobies

    Selling Sick Fish

    Thanks for all your info. Yes, I am learning a whole lot about Saltwater Fish and their problems. I know I am not going to be buying fish anymore from our locate Tampa fish store for sure!!! It's really ashame that stores don't care what they sell. I know the owner of this store, and I am sorry...
  2. gobies

    Selling Sick Fish

    The little tiny growths appear on the gills first do look just like salt. Very tiny. The fish ends up with them all over the body and it has a hard time breathing. Like I said I have been treating the tank and right now now of the gobies or clowns have anything on them. I am hoping that I have...
  3. gobies

    Selling Sick Fish

    I recently purchased a brown goby from my local Saltwater fish store. I also purchased a green clown goby at the same time. The store had both together in the same tank so they put them in the same bag. Two days later the brown goby developed lumps all over the body. I removed him and returned...