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  1. crashammer

    orange linkia starfish question

  2. crashammer

    orange linkia starfish question

    I have a 29h gal with 25# live rock. sal is 1.024, ph 8.2. My orange linkia starfish has brown spots that showed up this morning. I have 2 percula clowns, 1 lawnmower blenny,1 cbs, 1 skunk cleaner,1 emerald crab, 10 snails. any help would be great. :help:
  3. crashammer

    help with a coral banded shrimp.

    And I think it eat my peppermint shrimp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. crashammer

    help with a coral banded shrimp.

    My coral banded shrimp is killing all my sand sifting crabs. Any help would be great!!!!!!:help:
  5. crashammer

    what type of hermit crab ??????

    Sorry 29 gal tank. with 40 lbs of LS & 20 lbs of LR
  6. crashammer

    what type of hermit crab ??????

    what type of hermit crab would work best for a FOWLR tank. Blueleg or scarlet ????? or both ?????? thanks in advance p.s. and how many ???????????
  7. crashammer

    cleaner clams ??????????????

    I know the feeling. Maybe if someone knows the proper name for the cleaner clams it may help????
  8. crashammer

    cleaner clams ??????????????

    I'm looking for info on cleaner clams. I have a 29 gal that i'm setting up with a cleaning crew and i'm thinking cleaner clams. yes , no , maybe. ?????????????? If yes how many ???????????????
  9. crashammer

    plankton & phytoplankton help plz

    sorry I meant who makes phytoplankton to put in your tank??????
  10. crashammer

    plankton & phytoplankton help plz

    What is best used for that ?
  11. crashammer

    Need Tank In Nw Ohio

    There is a store is columbia station that has a o.k. web site ( for large tanks. they go up to 720 gal. It's west of cleveland. hope it helps.
  12. crashammer

    plankton & phytoplankton help plz

    I have 3 feather dusters, 1 porcelain crab, 6 sand sifting crabs and I want to buy 3 more feather dusters & 3 cleaner clams but not sure what to feed them if I need to feed them??????:nervous:
  13. crashammer

    Best way to affix the background??

    I used pieces of old drapes from my office that were dark blue & i velcro them on so I can wash if I want to. You can buy fab. at walmart , any size & color.