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  1. danidavis

    cleaner shrimp?

    my shrimp just loves feeding time for the fish, which is flake and a frozen mix. I also see him scrounging along with the rest of the cleaning crew. Dani
  2. danidavis


    Nice pics, thanks for sharing!!
  3. danidavis

    Live rock question

    I am wanting ot put some more LR in my tank. I currently have 25# and would like to get another 25#. The LR I have now is the Florida rock from this site. Does anybody know if it is okay to mix rock from different locations? This may be a dumb question, I am new at this and don't want to do...
  4. danidavis

    cleaner shrimp?

    I agree with the above. I put my shrimp in before any fish. Enjoy.
  5. danidavis

    percula clowns

    How many percula clowns can get along together? Can I mix black and white perculas with the orange and white ones? Any help would be great.:happyfish
  6. danidavis

    lost fish

    Amonia is 0ppm and I looked behind the tank, he's not there. What is the best way to cover holes in the back of the hood? Plastic wrap? Heavy plasitc?
  7. danidavis

    lost fish

    What do I do? I seem to have "lost" one of my clown fish. I got two percula clowns a month ago, they seem to have been doing great. Today I came home from work and can't find one of them. The other looks paler than he used too. I don't want to go fishing for him, because of the LR, LS...
  8. danidavis

    Sea Urcins

    I've been thinking about one of these, they seem very interesting. Do they bother fish?