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  1. hitoll

    is anytone gunna help me

    i have waited here patiently, and asked to quesions of help?? is there anyone out there
  2. hitoll

    i had some problems

    i have a really well stocked tank, and everything keep breeding, so the pop lation is constatnly incresen,, the water was a bit cloudy, so i shut off the pumps and air to let the wat have time to settle, with in mintues stuff started to die, is there something wrong with the water>??? because i...
  3. hitoll

    thanks for the help.

    well guys,,, i got the eel out, but it was messy, it didn't think it would get stuck in the toilet... it wasn't very wide... however it was 3 feet long.. thanks for the help, and i will be asken alot more questions... no one at my pet store tells me anything...
  4. hitoll

    i need serious help.

    hello,i hope i can find the somone that can tell me what to do... this si the problem,,, i love my salt water fish... but i only like nice fish... i love pretty fish too... i get upset when my fish fight... my eel 3 feet in length,i got about a week ago has been attacking all my fish... he has...