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  1. rashi

    Help Me quick somebody!

    i'm treating my koran angel fish i isolated him from my other fish but i'm using quick cure how long can i keep him isolated for.
  2. rashi

    Help Me quick somebody!

    i'm treating my koran angel fish i isolated him from my other fish but i'm using quick cure how long can i keep him isolated for.
  3. rashi

    Nomad Ent.

    Can I put a Powder Blue Tang in a 40 gallon tank just one of them?
  4. rashi

    What advice would u take?

    Vote for the best advice about saltwaterfish.
  5. rashi

    Nomad Ent.

    I have a three stripe damsel and he was sick with ick. I treated him and my domino fish died. I did a water Change and he has no ick on him now. The pet store told me to take the filter out and put some carbon medicine in the tank, it killed my domino fish the same day. I almost thought that...
  6. rashi

    Nomad Ent.

    Can i have a Blonde Naso Tang in a 40 gallon tank and he still lives fine?
  7. rashi


    Hi every1 my name is Rashi and I'm from Chicago.