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  1. agc1024

    yellow tang acting weird

    I was doing all those things and feeding him corectly...but unfortuately he died...think it was HLLE.
  2. agc1024

    mean yellow tang

    My tang was mean to mt swallow tail angel when he joined my tank but thay learned to get along...he tries to intimidate the little clowns and damsels but he does not touch them...he just puffs up his fins and looks bigger!!! Don'e flush yours...he just has lots of pesonality!!
  3. agc1024

    yellow tang acting weird

    My tang is not eating much and he is shrinking and expanding his fins . Also hiding a lot......he does not have any unusual spots but he is staying in one spot a lot and sometimes he looks like he is lying sideways...Hope someone can tell me what is wong or assure me that he is fien thanls for...