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  1. texgirl

    Any prevention for brook on clown's

    Thank you for your reply. Your advice and pictures in the disease thread have been really helpful. I wasn't sure what they had until I saw your pics.
  2. texgirl

    Any prevention for brook on clown's

    I recently purchased 2 percs and they died. I did not know it then but they had clown fish disease. water was good and they did fine the first couple of days. I was wondering if there is a way to prevent it after you buy your clowns. I know how to treat it now but i can do anything while...
  3. texgirl

    help with clowns not sure if diseased or not?

    :sleepy: I bought two percs from I got them friday. They where both swimmimg like crazy until yesturday. THey shipped me a light orange clown and one that was darker I assumed they where male and female. We introduced a frogspawn coral and they started staying on opp, sides of...
  4. texgirl

    What do I feed them?

    My finished cycling my tank and added the hermit, emerals, peppermint shrimp, and snails. What do I feed them?
  5. texgirl

    Shipping from

    Yes, I have a 100# of live rock. I added 2 cups of live sand with 240# of southdown. Should I just wait?? What do you think?
  6. texgirl

    Shipping from

    I have the salifert test kit and eveything is passing with them. The problem is distinguishing between the colors. How do you do it?
  7. texgirl

    Shipping from

    Yes I have a test kit. What should I be testing for? Thanks,
  8. texgirl

    Shipping from

    I am new to the hobby and am not sure. I set my 125gal tank up 1 1/2 weeks ago. Is this enough time to cycle. The brown stuff starting showing up 2 days ago. Yesterday it was not to bad. Today the whole tank is close to taken over. Any suggestions? What do you think?
  9. texgirl

    Shipping from

    Algea is eating my tank alive. I have a new tank and it is being taken over.
  10. texgirl

    Shipping from

    I need to have crabs, snails, and a # of other things by Friday. If I place my order tonight by will they ship it out tommorow? Thanks, John
  11. texgirl

    interested in peoples opinions about skimmer

    He has a website for his reef tank called I know he post alot on reef central. you could always e-mail him and find out. :)
  12. texgirl

    interested in peoples opinions about skimmer

    I know the sign for water. That was actually my husbands reply as I have been gone all day. Though I'm sure he's glad he signed my name. I'm sure it was just a typo. I haven't been to that sight but I will deff. look into it. Thanks for your help. I can't wait to get the system running. I'm...
  13. texgirl

    interested in peoples opinions about skimmer

    All I get out of that is c02tropical Please email me the site at Thanks, Christy
  14. texgirl

    interested in peoples opinions about skimmer

    Where did you buy your euro reef?
  15. texgirl

    interested in peoples opinions about skimmer

    What do people know about ASM line of skimmers?
  16. texgirl

    interested in peoples opinions about skimmer

    :help: We are setting up 125 with an in sump skimmer. What do you recommend? I am looking for most effceint and easy to use skimmer. I also would like to know which one is quiet. We where thinking aquac ev180 but alot of people seem to like euro reef. which model would be...
  17. texgirl

    interested in opinions about protien skimmer for 125

    Thanks for you reply. I live north of frisco. Everyone seems to like the euro reef the best. It would be in the sump. i was looking at aquac ev180, but I'm thinking about using euro reef instead.
  18. texgirl

    interested in opinions about protien skimmer for 125

    :help: I am interested in peoples opinions about most efficent skimmer and easiest to use etc...
  19. texgirl

    wtb korallin c 1502

    looking for korallin
  20. texgirl

    T5 Lights... Who is using them!

    Anyone else have any experience with T5.. Any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks to all who have all replied.