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  1. tuna dan

    RO/DI Unit

    ty ill look into both of those.
  2. tuna dan

    RO/DI Unit

    I am thinking about getting one, any recommendations? Only need one that puts out 35 gpd, ease of use and setup as well as readily available replacement filters would be best.
  3. tuna dan

    Hitchhiker star ID please

    Its a very pretty star btw!
  4. tuna dan

    Pistol Shrimp/Shrimp Gobies

    Whenever I get my tank up and running again; I was thinking of getting a Pistol Shrimp and a goby to pair up. A couple of questions though, How deep of sand bed should I use? Will most shrimp gobies form a relationship with most pistol shrimp that are most likely found in the hobby?
  5. tuna dan

    Good moonlights

    Moonlights are Blue LED's they are like 7 bucks, look at any computer hardware site.
  6. tuna dan

    What fish in a 55g?

    What do yall think of like a dwarf angel like a flame or coral beauty?
  7. tuna dan

    sand dollars

    I think they eat the microfauna out of the substrate, never stopped others from selling but they just are not very appealling.
  8. tuna dan

    tank background color

    dont wanna highjack but for those who painted spray paint or water based?
  9. tuna dan

    Tell me what you think!! No water changes!!

    Hey Subvillian I live in Baton Rouge also. Trying to get my tank up again.
  10. tuna dan

    transfering fish to a new tank...bioload question..

    Umm I don't think it would be a good idea to put them all in at once. I would start with the clowns and move on from there like one every other week or so. Is the lr and substrate going in the system?
  11. tuna dan

    My water.. is this good?

    Add a dead shrimp or throw some fish food in for a couple of days the rock and the sand might already be established enough to support inverts and maybe even your first fish, but you cant be too sure.
  12. tuna dan

    aqua c remora skimmer question?

    Thats fine I used to turn mine off when the tank was in my room also. The noise will quiet down in the coming weeks.
  13. tuna dan

    TriGa22's Tank Diary

    Try stacking with an adhesive or zip ties work well. I like the caves you have now though.
  14. tuna dan

    last 2 fish.

    bobby start looking into getting a bigger tank if you wanna keep that hippo they get very big if they live...
  15. tuna dan

    how do u catch tropical fish yourself??

    I would guess the local Wildlife management office.
  16. tuna dan

    emperor babies

    Pictures will say a thousand words.
  17. tuna dan

    aqua c remora skimmer question?

    Coasta it will make more of both more water will fill in the collection and also more of the foam. But after a couple days, the substance will be more soupy then say if you had it at the top.
  18. tuna dan

    Is everything going wrong?!?!?!

    wal-mart has 10 gallons for about 20 bucks.
  19. tuna dan

    Is everything going wrong?!?!?!

    Like TheGrog said get this book Conscientious Marine Aquarist" by Bob Fenner. I is very useful and you will refer to it often. As for your readings I would try to get the salt up to 1.024. 1.022 is a little low but as long as you acclimate your purchases correctly they should be able to adjust...
  20. tuna dan

    My 24 Gallon and 14 Gallon JBJ Nano's ... Pictures!

    Those are a beautiful clowns.