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  1. reef junky

    a coral with green coloring...

    I am looking to add a piece of Coral to my tank with green coloring. Any suggestions??
  2. reef junky

    Am I in trouble?

    You do have a via aqua chiller right? If so, the phone number is: service - 888-838-3882 Mike
  3. reef junky

    posting pics

    Can someone explain to me how to post a pic of my tank on here?
  4. reef junky

    Am I in trouble?

    Read in the manual under troubleshooting, I think LL means it has an error. Call the phone number, listed in the back I believe, and speak with a technician. They will more than likely send you a part to repair it free of charge. You just have to install it which is not very hard. It is a pretty...
  5. reef junky

    Is My Clownfish dying?

    Fish loss is very unfortunate, but it usually happens to everyone who takes on this hobby. It is just a part of the process. I really wish there was a way to avoid it, but I guess you live and you learn. I had a fish bring in a disease once and wiped out 5 of my most expensive fish. I lost one...
  6. reef junky

    Is My Clownfish dying?

    Fish, before they die, act like yours is now. Breathing heavily, jumping around like he has seizures, laying at the bottom. He wont last much longer.
  7. reef junky

    Is My Clownfish dying?

    Sad to say, but he is more than likely going to die. Did you call the fish store yet?
  8. reef junky

    Is My Clownfish dying?

    What is he doing right now?
  9. reef junky

    Is My Clownfish dying?

    Yes, but adding a half a cup of water is a much more drastic change than dripping drops of water into the holding tank. The way I acclimate is proven and recommended by many fish sites and books.
  10. reef junky

    Is My Clownfish dying?

    The way I do mine is as follows: I have some air tubing and an air valve. I run the tubing from the main tank into the small holding tank where the fish awaits. I then begin the siphoning process and adjust the air valve until the water is slowly dripping to the small holding tank. Once the...
  11. reef junky

    Is My Clownfish dying?

    Being that they gave her bad info, the should be responsible and either take them fish and anemone back, or give her some new fish.
  12. reef junky

    Is My Clownfish dying?

    Do not use tap water. Take the water from your tank and mix it with the water that you get with the fish. Then once youve doubled the water that you started with, add only the fish to your tank. This avoids mixing water from an outside source into your tank. NEVER mix water from a fish store...
  13. reef junky

    Is My Clownfish dying?

    I agree, I also think the bigger one may show sings soon of doing the same thing. Call the supplier where you got them from. Find out why they told you to acclimate that way. See if you can bring them both back and get different ones with a different anemone.
  14. reef junky

    Is My Clownfish dying?

    I have only heard of the floating bag technique used with freshwater. Never with saltwater.
  15. reef junky

    Is My Clownfish dying?

    I always acclimate using the drip method where you drip water from your tank into either the bag you get the fish in, or in a separate container with the water and fish you get. The drip double the amount of water you start with so the fish can adjust to your PH and temperature. Strange though...
  16. reef junky

    Is My Clownfish dying?

    How did you acclimate them? Does he show any signs of having a disease? Any slimy stuff on him?
  17. reef junky

    Is My Clownfish dying?

    Looks like he may be dying. Sometimes, if you do not buy mated pairs of clown fish, they fight. Are they of the same species? Did you buy them together??
  18. reef junky

    Water changes

    It would be best if you didnt use tap water, it will cause an outbreak of red hair algae. Use distilled or Reverse Osmosis water.
  19. reef junky

    Am I in trouble?

    No, my chiller is rather quiet. Also, I have to add about a gallon or two of R/O water to my 90 gallon tank every 2 days. Evaporation is quite normal and should not worry you.
  20. reef junky

    Need Help Algae all Over

    Get a small puffer and big snails. Then the puffer wont be able to get the snails in his mouth.