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  1. bill33

    10g clam

    about a little over a month now no signs of dieing knock on wood
  2. bill33

    10g clam

    my friend has a clam and i was wondering. cause his is doing great
  3. bill33

    10g clam

  4. bill33

    bamboo shark eating frozen

    and its in a 90g
  5. bill33

    My Shark Egg

    gasguzzler knows more about sharks then any of us. he even bred sting rays! o ya gasguzzler got pics of the filter for shark tank? lol
  6. bill33

    looking for a 180g

    hey im looking for a 180g great with stand, i can pick it up in VA, and MD, lmk
  7. bill33

    shark in a 180?

    so what skimmer you think? how many pounds of lr?, is a dual wet dry a good option mr.smilie is your 180 a shark tank?
  8. bill33

    shark in a 180?

  9. bill33

    shark in a 180?

    im j/w cause i saw some sweet bambos at my lfs, when my sis moves out i was plaing on have a 180g, you tink a bambo will live good in a 180g,
  10. bill33

    prizm skimmer help

    lower the valve on the intake tube turn it to lower the flow
  11. bill33

    cleaner shrimp

    your welcome blahhh take that B*^!)
  12. bill33

    cleaner shrimp

    were do you have aim? my sn is Bill6189 i need to ask you a couple of guestions
  13. bill33

    fish for my agresive

    hahhaha ya, my lfs said a fuzzy dwarf, and a spegetti eel, or a ghost, they said people do it
  14. bill33

    cleaner shrimp

    hahahaha since yor name is lionfish o well it was kinda stupid
  15. bill33

    fish for my agresive

    i was thinking since its a 36inchs long, maybe a dwarf lion and a shark?, kidding, someone said 2 dwarf lions wont they fight
  16. bill33

    cleaner shrimp

    i dont know, so.... what fish for my agresive? since you are a lion tamer lol
  17. bill33

    cleaner shrimp

    ahhhh can you help me with my post
  18. bill33

    cleaner shrimp

    but what if it isnt? omg
  19. bill33

    cleaner shrimp

    and there in a 55g? i hope this is a joke, a cleaner will get eatin in a mater of minutes
  20. bill33

    fish for my agresive

    im plaining on doing a agresive tank, it will be a 30g long, my filter will be a 16g wetdry. and a seaclone 100 skimmer, like 30- 45 pounds of lr, what agresive fish would you recomend. thanks Bill