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  1. jtp18

    i want to try REEF

    I have a 32 gallon tank and in my experience it isn't very hard to take care of. the only problem I have is a slight nitrate prob. which I'm taking care of w/ macro algae. I think that a smaller tank is good for starting out. For one its not that expensive to start up compared to a larger...
  2. jtp18


    And where would one purchase these chaeto balls? Cuz i'm lookin for plants to lower my nitrates and those would work I think. But I bought some maidens hair algae and I'm hoping this will help in my nitrate problem.
  3. jtp18

    Plants for lowering nitrates??

    oh wow...thats alot of macro algae! I guess I'll have to contact my lfs and ask em to order in some for me. Oh for that question bout the Xenia helping that true,or false?
  4. jtp18

    Stocking my reef

    You know whats a really cool fish you could have? A firefish! They are awsome...I have one and he has so much personality and is very colorful. You could also try the Purple Firefish. They are also reef safe and don't grow very big. You could of course go for the percula clown or oscellaris...
  5. jtp18

    Plants for lowering nitrates??

    Where do you get it at? I haven't seen any macro algae named that on any sites that I've been looking at? I know it exists...but I don't know where to find it! LOL I'll look into it. Are there any other suggestions?
  6. jtp18

    Cyano--quick question

    I just recently noticed a small patch of a different more fushia (sp) algea beside it. This could possibly be the start of some corraline algae growth. At least that is how I first noticed my corraline growth. And if your problem is diatoms, the way I solved that problem in my tank is buying a...
  7. jtp18

    Plants for lowering nitrates??

    I'm having a nitrate problem,and I was wondering what marine plants would help me out? I was thinkin bout the red mangrove tubers...but don't their leaves have to be sticking out of the top of the tank?? I would like something that can be fully submerged...and that will REALLY help w/ the...
  8. jtp18

    bangai addition question

    Wild Caught Bangai should be avoided at all costs. Why should wild caught bangai be avoided??:thinking:
  9. jtp18


    My tank dimensions are 20" long,20"wide,and 24" deep. So the lighting system I have is the 20" quad PC. So it does cover the tank very well. But thank you for your post. I'm glad to know that I can keep most softies. :)
  10. jtp18


    I know probably that alot of you have heard this question over and over again,but i'm gonna ask anyway! LOL:D I have a 32 gallon tank and would like to have coral. I think that I would like to keep soft coral,not the SPS or LPS corals. So I went to my LFS and they said that I needed at least 3...
  11. jtp18

    Anyone ordered the ricordea from here?

    I ordered Ricordia off of this site and one came green and the other was a little brownish green. Mine were about the size of a quarter.
  12. jtp18


    Yes those were the manufacturers directions to soak it in 1part bleach to 1 part water. The product was by Sea Chem. I can't really remember the exact name of the product comes in a little blue box beware of the blue box! LOL.:)
  13. jtp18


    No I didn't drain it bone dry. There was still some water left over the sand when I drained it. But I think that maybe the bleach killed the bacteria anyway?? So just in case I went out and bought some live sand to perk it up hopefully. But yeah its all up and running now and everything seems fine.
  14. jtp18


    Ok...I found the killer. And now I think that it was me. And I feel really bad :nope: I had an additive in my filtration system i forget what it was for. But it was something where when it was all used up it would turn brown, so it turned brown and and i decided to 'replenish' it again. Well to...
  15. jtp18


    The water perameters were Amonia-0 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-20 PH-8.2 temp-80-SG-1.022 and the tank has been running for three months w/ out any problems what so ever. So I dunno? But Also just as a general question will the tank cycle again if I were to drain it and start anew??
  16. jtp18


    I came home tonight from culinary school and to my disappointment ALL of my fish are dead except for my clown fish. The inverts did fine except for the cleaner shrimp. I put all the living inhabitants in an extra tank I had lying around (10 gal)The clown still doesn't look good, but I hope he...
  17. jtp18

    new guy needs some input

    Ok, to answer your question about the adding more fish into your tank, I dont' think that you should b/c you have two fish that really need a larger tank, the yellow tang and the naso tang. I think that its not the amount of fish that you have but how long you can keep a small amount of fish...
  18. jtp18

    OT- How old is everyone here

    18 here and I'm new to the hobby and I just LURV it!!!!!
  19. jtp18

    Question that newbies will want to know

    I'm sorry liquidskys,but I disagree w/ you. I think that damsels deserve just as much care and attention as other marine fish. I used a damsel to cycle my tank and I kept him because he adds a lovely flash of color and is very active. But to say that damsels are garbage fish is a bit harsh. But...
  20. jtp18

    yellow boxfish "Ostracion Cubicus"?

    I think the little guy is cute. I would love to have one but my EVIL blue damselfish would probably attack it and make it release it poisoness and kill everything in my tank. So I don't think I'll have one of those for a while,as much as I want one.:)