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  1. lisak_09

    Heater crisis- hoping butterfly will recover?

    Thank you both for your advice on heaters- I am looking for a new one right now and that helps to know titanium over anything else. As for the copperband, I did lose him. : ( I was really sad and my husband felt bad so after we got the temperature corrected, he got me a beautiful piece of...
  2. lisak_09

    Heater crisis- hoping butterfly will recover?

    Today when I got home, happy healthy tank. Less than an hour later, I find my copperbanded butterfly stuck to the side of the impeller for the filter. : ( He was still alive, so I took him off and killed the filters. Looking for something wrong, I checked the equipment- the temp had gone up...
  3. lisak_09

    Shrimp-eating Sandperch?? Any info very much appreciated!

    A fish I was sold months ago when just stocking my tank, which I was told was a "peaceful, reef-safe, banded Goby", just killed all of my shrimp in a day. I added a coral-banded shrimp, 2 camelbacks, and a cleaner shrimp only for this jerk to have a cocktail. : ( Really sad- big loss, and $50...
  4. lisak_09

    why aren't they more active?

    I am sorry to hear that you lost your fish. I know how you feel- we took a vacation this summer and came back to catastrophe. : ( I have a clown that was the first fish in our tank- he is the only one who has survived everything. He has two spots he likes to hang out in most- a little area...
  5. lisak_09

    New anemone- where in the tank do I place it? Where do you place yours??

    :notsure: I just purchased my second anemone for my tank. The first one is embedded in the sand at the bottom in a protected area where it gets barely enough light The new one, a Purple Condi anemone, I really want to put somewhere people can see it better and where it will get the light it...
  6. lisak_09

    Situation worsening....please help!

    The copperband that I added just hours ago (about 2 1/2) is still being chased around and picked on by my yellow tang. I didn't read anything about these fish being territorial, he has only been in the tank a week himself! These are the only two decent size fish in my 55 gal tank- others are...
  7. lisak_09

    Questions- Temperatures and Rebuilding after Problems

    Hello All- I have been reading your boards for weeks and looking to them for advice and just want to tell you guys that your tanks are amazing and I look forward to mine hopefully reaching that point someday. Right now, we are in the process of rebuilding. During a trip to Italy for 3 weeks...