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  1. ams153

    Protein Skimmer

    It's a JEBO 180 hang on skimmer, I tried turning the air thing down but if its too low the skimmer will overflow, so I don't know what else to try.
  2. ams153

    Protein Skimmer

    I have a protein skimmer that I got for my fish tank yesterday, it is putting a LOT of air bubbles into my fish tank which I don't remember being an issue last time I had a fish tank, anyways anyone know of a way to fix this issue?
  3. ams153

    clown fish tank size

    i would try and go with a 20g for a pair of clowns it would just be better in the end and really no more expensive, also you can start with easier anemones when your just starting out but you should always give your tank a good 6 months to establish before adding an anemone! and of course keep...
  4. ams153

    i Want to start a tank again

    perfect thats what i was looking for, length and depth. Thank You!
  5. ams153

    Sharks? Stingrays? What to do..155gal..

    my personal oppinion with sharks has always been if its not 200g or better you shouldn't do it, 200 is small as it is and 155 really wouldn't cut it forever ESPECIALLY not for both, im not gonna comment on the 135! Just my oppinion though!
  6. ams153

    i Want to start a tank again

    i'm wanting to start a new tank and havnt had one in a little while i had one while i was still living with my parents but they kept it when i left. I want to start another shark tank, all I really care about is a shark and ray. I just bought my first house so i'm pretty positive ill be there...
  7. ams153

    Two SFEs???

    yea two sfes wouldnt be a problem.
  8. ams153

    good info

    on this site links arnt really aloud but have you tried searching the site theres TONS of info it would probably answer any of your questions and you can ask more!
  9. ams153

    setting up a reef

    yea ive done reef tanks for other ppl but never myself and i was deffinately planning on t-5 or mh ive never tried t-5's so that may be what i go with.
  10. ams153

    setting up a reef

    i want to start a small reef tank i already have an aggressive one and want something new i want to go with a 30 gallon or so with a pair of clowns and maybe another small fish i was just wanting to know what people think as far as a good clean-up crew goes and also eventually some really...
  11. ams153

    eel acting strange

    are you sure its actually stuck, because it may just like to hide there eels do spend the majority of there time in one place they dont move around a lot.
  12. ams153

    How do I prevent my stingray from hogging all of the nori?

    try stick feeding it, and just make sure its fed till its completely full and maybe then it wont steal it may just not be getting enough foodtry and see if that works.
  13. ams153

    will my sf get out

    ive had one get from my tank into my wet dry before so they are very good at escaping so just keep everything covered and closed up also as far as feeding you can do alot of things like silversides, mysis shrimp, squid, so on, so yea and next time get info on it before you buy its just easier...
  14. ams153

    New 30 GAL Tank

    how long was the tank up before you put anything into it? also i would suggest feeding them frozen mysis thats always been the easiest thing for me to get clowns to eat and will most likely be better for themi hope your tank had a chance to cycle before adding anything to it otherwise you could...
  15. ams153

    What's Next?????

    you should consider different kinds of filtration so that the tank can handle a reef and of course better lighting and i would seriously consider switching to live sand or at least sand of some kind as crushed coral isnt a very good substrate youll have an unhealthy tank. also dont add things to...
  16. ams153

    ID please!

    just inject it with lemon juice or hot water and as far as syringes go just go to a feed store.
  17. ams153

    Any Help Please?

    id say the biggest problem really is the trigger.. if you get rid of that itd be fine, though your clean up crew will be eatin maybe not the gobbies but the hermits will.
  18. ams153

    Feeding lionfish

    as said above NO guppies NO gold fish and avoid brine shrimp its pointless to feed that stuff its no good for the fish krill and mysis and squid were the easiest things for me to get my fish to take to!
  19. ams153

    Blue Ring Octopus

    i just want to say a post that talked about steve irwin dieing not only was he stabbed in the heart but it was by a much bigger sting ray then what wed have in our home aquariums!
  20. ams153

    Hermits with no shell...

    usually it only takes mine about 24 hours to get back in a shell! so is he in a shell yet or is he gone?