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  1. mikedb

    Anemone Lymphocystis?

    Agreed. I have 2 large fresh water tanks & I wanted to try a salt water. My local aquarium dealer suggested the 12 g Eclipse as a "starter" & actually recommended that I try the clown & anemone. This has certainly been a valuable & sad lesson learned! Thanks all.
  2. mikedb

    Anemone Lymphocystis?

    I have a 12 gallon Eclipse with stock lighting & biowheel filter. The PH level is at 8.3, Ammonia 0.25, Nitrates 5.0, Nitrites somewhere between 0-0.25 & SG at 1.021. Other than the Tomato Clown & the Sebea Anemone...I have about 8 lbs. of live rock that I acclamated by itself for about 6 weeks...
  3. mikedb

    Anemone Lymphocystis?

    It's definitely not as you have pictured. Looks like a white clump resembling a piece of cauliflower! Man...the anemone has pretty much shrunk down to a tenth of it's original size & is no longer attached to the liverock! Any thoughts?
  4. mikedb

    Anemone Lymphocystis?

    Hi. I'm fairly new to Saltwater aquariums and I have a question. Can a Sebea Anemone have Lymphocystis? I got the anemone along with a Tomato Clown 3 weeks ago & all was well until yesterday. The anemone started to "shrink" for lack of a better word, and I notice a white growth of some sort...