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  1. tikitorch

    What's worse, 105-degree heat or the AZ Cardinals?

    My Giants are making a comeback this year, I KNOW it. We gotz the season passes for them, go to all the homegames mostly (inseason that is) Or sell em to our friends wen we need money!! Our section rules. NEVER mess with our section, lol. This one time, at the giants ravens, there were two...
  2. tikitorch

    show off your tanks here

    Close up. This is an agressive anyway, I bet yer looking for a reef setup. If so, then tmichels is super.
  3. tikitorch

    show off your tanks here

    wow tmichel, that was nice. Hers my 120. No fish yet, but u can get the idea on rock workj. One huge cave, with little caves branching off on the sides. I got lucky cuz It kinda fit together nicely. There is not too much sand, maybe 75 pounds of rock ( HEAVY rock though, then 25 pounds fiji)
  4. tikitorch

    720 gal

    I think bamboos can just sit on the bottom. Thats wat mine did for quite a while. Never moved much. I hatched it myself, although it never ate...
  5. tikitorch

    Shark pound.

    Then u had better get one biga$$ tank or tub or pool or watever. Get something really large and play it safe. Also, keep dreaming. Unless yer dad is paying for it. If not, then it might not happen. Get a job and u MIGHT be able to pay for a shark habitat to last a shark for its full life span...
  6. tikitorch

    puffer overgrown beak

    U should buy it prawn or some cocktail shrimp to eat. Feed them the food with the shell on, and he will begin to wear his jaw down. It also helps to have a bunch of live rock, cuz they will chomp on it sometimes. Just try out the shell fsih for a while, and if u can get ahold of live crabs and...
  7. tikitorch

    Porc Puffer Not Eating Krill

    Fresh fish or squidd or shrimp from the market. CHOP IT UP!! Then feed it to the pork meister. Maybe he likes it fresh is all...
  8. tikitorch

    The Challenge!

    Originally posted by Cartman101 A stupid question but........Could i have these fish in my 55gal? Chain eel striped puffer diamond goby dwarf lion fu munchu lion Could those all go in my 55gal? Or am i better off just getting one lion?:notsure: No, just lions and maybe the toby puffer. A fu...
  9. tikitorch

    Shark pound.

    Hes never gonna make a shark pond anyway, he was just asking another dumb question so he can get some more attention, which he has gotten. He wont do it, I know it.
  10. tikitorch

    kids in my grade

  11. tikitorch

    Hey Florida people!!

  12. tikitorch

