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  1. viper73184

    coral branded shrimp attack?

    Draven, that's exactly what I did. I've found the cleaner shrimp not only to be a kinder shrimp, but much more helpful to the tank. Plus, whenever I have people over, I stick my hand in the tank and show off how my CS jumps on my hand and cleans it. They all think it's amazing. Definately...
  2. viper73184

    coral branded shrimp attack?

    I had the same problem except it was with my powder blue. My powder blue loved sleeping in a nice little cave I have with my LR, but unfortunately, the Coral Banded had already decided that it was his cave. After several altercations, I decided to yank the CBS's claws off. For about 2 weeks...
  3. viper73184

    Are Coral Banded Shrimp that evil ?

    In case you don't know, Coral Banded Shrimp grow their front claws back pretty quickly. Also, you don't really pull their claws off so much as they drop them. It's like a gecko's tail. Also, if he can still live the life he normally would have, then there's really no problem. The only...
  4. viper73184

    Are Coral Banded Shrimp that evil ?

    My Coral Banded Shrimp liked to fight with my Maroon clownfish and my powder blue tang. A simple fix for an overly aggressive Coral Banded: Yank his front claws off. Mine still gets along just fine, no one bothers him and he can't hurt any of the other fish he was so hell-bent on bothering...