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  1. sandflea

    Ick on Yellow Tang

    how about this? you can net the fish and put it in a 1-2 gallon container w/ 1qt of the aquarium water ( make sure the container has the same temp and ph of the display). leave the fish in for 3-10 minutes and youre done! a lot less work than dropping the sg of 55 gal of water huh?
  2. sandflea

    Fish don't like my tank

    i wish people did thier homework before killing marine animals. So, you have a lion, an eel, and you have recently gotten a wrasse? Quite an expensive snack for the lion huh? :rolleyes: Can someone hook me up with the name of the site that sponsors the forum where all the experienced aquarists go?
  3. sandflea

    can i run mostly actinics and only a little mh?

    who is that light fixture made by? i want one!:joy: :jumping: :joy:
  4. sandflea

    links please

    It would be awesome if everyone could contribute a link or 2 for me to check out to learn more about the hobby.I have a 46g that ive had up for 2 months, and i will soon switch from cc to live sand and get some live rock, and add a fuge. Feedback is greatly appreciated, thanks everyone.
  5. sandflea

    Protein Skimmer Problem!!!!

    ro water isnt expensive :rolleyes: ... wally world has ro water for less than 2$ for 5 gallons. not a lot of money if you have a smaller tank w/ little evap. the water dispenser has carbon and RO and UV sterilization. test kits show 0 for everythig, so its clean water. wee!
  6. sandflea

    new fish, no fighting please

    thanks for the info guys, i was afraid i was invisible for a wile there haha. :D too bad, the firefish would have definately been a colorful addition to the tank
  7. sandflea

    new fish, no fighting please

    so will a purple dottyback and firefish get along? i dont want to kill any fish here lol
  8. sandflea

    hey reeferheads

    :happyfish no responses.....ouch :rolleyes:
  9. sandflea

    hey reeferheads

    i finally registered. i have a 2 month old 46gal FO tank. cycled w/ a pixy hawk, strawberry dottyback, tomato clown, 2 snails, and 3 small hermits. yeah, its great, the fish are awesome and doing great. monia and trite are 0, trate is 10. i was wondering if anyone here has had sucess w/...