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  1. crist103


    i have had my toadstool leather coral for about 2 months. i noticed it was spliting down the center when i got it so i figured thats how it reproduces, and its almost completly split now. but the past 3 days it has been droping to the side and not standing up and i tested the water and...
  2. crist103


    i have a crushed coral bed at the bottom of my tank and a lot of hair algea growns on it. anybody got any sudgestions as to what can help get rid of it
  3. crist103

    orange starfish

    i acclimated it for 4 hours and everything els ein my tank is perfectly fine
  4. crist103

    orange starfish

    i just got an orange linkia starfish yesterday and i acclimated it and it seemed to be doign fine i put it on the bottom and it climbed up the glass side to the top and hasnt been moving alot since. i see his tube feet movine and he moves a little but im seeing a wierd string like thing...
  5. crist103

    clean up crew

    hey everyone i have a 46 gallon reef tank. I have slot of snails but none seem to go on the glass to eat the algea off of it. I was wondering what other invertebrates besides snails and conches will eat algea off the glass? (maybe some type of starfish)