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  1. jbunion

    seaclone protein skimmer

    im haveing a problem with my new skimmer all i can get is a lil wight fome at the top not enouf to even go up the rizer tub am i doing somthing roung
  2. jbunion

    fluvel 204 filter

    dos anyone have ayadvice i have had it for 6 mounths and it started liking help
  3. jbunion

    Are Cubicus Fish Reef Safe?

    if thay die in your tank the toxens will wipe the tank out
  4. jbunion

    help highnitrite

  5. jbunion

    help highnitrite

    i have new light on the way just orded them from swf
  6. jbunion

    help highnitrite

    so a 10% water change will help now or is there somthing i can do now to help
  7. jbunion

    help highnitrite

    yes its ro water from a water compony and i dont think there is a big enouf clean up but it been ok so fare tell now
  8. jbunion

    help highnitrite

    nothing died yet
  9. jbunion

    help highnitrite

    thanks yes i did just get a pink dansel the same day i changed the water the lights are old and and i have 2 power heads and i have a fluvel 204 and 20 gallon fuge
  10. jbunion

    help highnitrite

    hello i have had my reef tank for 2 years never had any problems yet tell to day the fish are breathing hard and my corels r all closed i chaned my water 30%two days ago the ph is at 8.4 nitrite off the chart and ammonia at 0.50 and nitrate around 20 ppm there is a brown aleag all over what do i do