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  1. justaqtcub

    White Ovals left by one of my snails

    The species I guess was a hitchhiker from some live rock I got. I know I didn't buy it. And no, it's the only one of it's kind.
  2. justaqtcub

    White Ovals left by one of my snails

    :notsure: :confused: :notsure: I have a snail, of unknown species, that leaves "bb" size white circles on my glass. These circles are best described as a very small contact lenses, they are NOT complete balls. They are hard shelled and are filled with a milky yellowish substance. If I...
  3. justaqtcub

    Feather duster

    Tube Worm (Feather Duster) Regeneration I have a Feather Duster that also jumped out of his tube... well, when I went to move him, he fell out the back in trying to escape a possible preditor. So I buried him most of the way. Within 24 hours it created a new tube which was a great sign. Now...
  4. justaqtcub

    Multiple Heteractis Magnifica Anemones

    I have found that having different speices of clown fish in the same tank is fine, as long as they are all put in at the same time, so all are new to the tank and have not established territory. Previously, I had Clarki, Percula, Skunk co-existing together. Yeah, once in a while, they would...
  5. justaqtcub

    Multiple Heteractis Magnifica Anemones

    Can more than one Heteractis Magnifica Anemone be kept in a tank at close proximety? If they touch with they fight or will they just act like the other is not there. I am wanting to make a 30 gallon into a anemone/clownfish tank only. With multiple anemones and multiple species of clownfish...
  6. justaqtcub

    Algae Out of Control

    Attention EVERYONE! I have good news! It appears that what the LFS had told me about algae NOT liking Alkalinity was right. There were only two thing I have done to try and resolve all the issues listed in this. I cut back the lighting time by 3 hours. The other was get the Alkalinity to...
  7. justaqtcub

    Algae Out of Control

    Well schneijt, what your 20 gallon has, I have a 10 gallon that had the same problem. The Marine S.A.T. by TLC was used and it cleared up that problem with only two doses. It worked so well that I had to introduce algae growth for my Chestnut Cowrie and Turbo Snail. There was nothing for...
  8. justaqtcub

    Algae Out of Control

  9. justaqtcub

    Algae Out of Control

  10. justaqtcub

    Algae Out of Control

  11. justaqtcub

    Algae Out of Control

  12. justaqtcub

    Algae Out of Control

    They say the bigger the better with salt water... but I beg to differ. This a photo of my 2 gallon tank I have on my desk at my job. No algae... In fact, the hermits I had died except one very small blue leg, because they starved. I don't feed this tank at all. I just do 50% water change...
  13. justaqtcub

    Algae Out of Control

    NITRAM - Just wanted to let you in on my experience when my tank was 2.5 months old. What you have explained below happened to me too. At first, the algae was bad. I mean not quite as bad as what I have been going through now, but very bad. The algae reached it's peek at about a month into...
  14. justaqtcub

    Algae Out of Control

    My substrate is about 50% CC and 50% very fine live sand, probaby 40lbs of each. I mixed the sand with the CC when I took out the rock to scrub it. I have the red algae on the surface, but it's going away. I see the red algae when something new to the tank has been introduced like the 40lbs...
  15. justaqtcub

    Algae Out of Control

    Have a lot of questions to respond to, so forgive me if I miss one. The tank has been set up since July 2003. I have tested the R/O water before using it, and everything is ZERO across the board except the pH and Alk. Which are normal. The only coral I have in this tank is a Ricordea. It's not...
  16. justaqtcub

    Algae Out of Control

    I am using Reverse Osmosis water. The lighting time is controled at 10 hours / day. It is set by a timer that turns on and off at the exact same time every day. My Light is a compact floresant. The light is 192 watts and is only 5 months old. The only animals in the tank are the Turbo snails...
  17. justaqtcub

    Algae Out of Control

    I'm not feeding the tank anylonger since I don't have fish. The Bacteria that I have been adding is called: Marine S.A.T. Biological Clarifier
  18. justaqtcub

    Algae Out of Control

    Yosemite - I'll have to get back to you on the name of this bacteria, the LFS has already closed and I can't find the product on the internet, at least a photo of it, so I can recognize it. Smarls - Yes, the algae is WELL established. On the back of the glass, the overflow, everywhere. Some...
  19. justaqtcub

    Algae Out of Control

    One powerhead - 180 GPH I use Reverse Osmosis water for my water changes. I use a MagDrive 5 - 500 GPH for my filtration. I'm out of available plugs. I even added two outlets to the original one. One being a control timer for the lights. Timed outlet - Timer - Outlet - GFI Outlet Plus I am...
  20. justaqtcub

    Algae Out of Control

    :help: :help: :help: :help: I am in dire need of some help with my 58 gallon. I have algae coming out of my ears. About a month ago, I broke down the tank and scrubed down all the rock because the entire tank was a giant green sesspool. After scrubbing the rock, cleaning almost all algae off...