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  1. poesraven

    New Dragon

    Bummer........sorry for your loss.
  2. poesraven

    New Dragon

    Very cool looking eel! IL weather sucks right now. Coming back here from FL is gonna hurt.
  3. poesraven

    Show me the coolest fish in your tank

    This is one of my favorite.
  4. poesraven

    Post your other pets!! If your bored

    my new bulldog puppy and my 4 pound killer chihuahua
  5. poesraven

    Advice on live rock order

    Was your live rock still wet at all?
  6. poesraven

    Advice on live rock order

    That's great, Nick! I wasn't implying you were trying to get free live rock. I was making the point that I didn't want Gary to think that I was just trying to get free rock. This hobby is very expensive regardless of age. (Hey you aren't trying to say I'm old are you?) lol I get what you're...
  7. poesraven

    Advice on live rock order

    I did receive several emails back from Gary about my order. He he did offer to send me some extra rock at first but I guess because I didn't feel like I got the type of apology I wanted, I told him simply "No Thanks". I wasn't just trying to get some free rock out of the deal, I was dissapointed...
  8. poesraven

    Advice on live rock order

    I did send him an email letting him know that the 5 days was too long and it got here dry. I also sent a picture. Mostly just so he might think twice about his shipping methods and not disappoint a bunch of other people. It was only $3 a pound and even dry base rock around here sells for $4 and...
  9. poesraven

    Advice on live rock order

    Here are a few more. These are big pieces of rock in case it's hard to tell. I ordered 50lbs. The bottom pic is the bottom of a piece where it was still a bit moist.
  10. poesraven

    Advice on live rock order

    Well, here it live rock. It was a bit moist on the bottom of a couple of pieces but that's it. The bottom of the bag and box were ripped open and the rock was dry. And very, very cold. This is the first time I've ever posted pics here so hopefully I do it right. Hey Nick.....I got a 2...
  11. poesraven

    Advice on live rock order

    Hey Nick, thanks for posting pictures! I think the rock looks good as far as looks go but not staying wet really sucks, you probably lost a lot of live stuff. Were there heat packs or anything? I hope he makes things right with you. (the worm picture freaked me out!) I'm just hoping my rock...
  12. poesraven

    Advice on live rock order

    I'm glad to hear you had a good experience with your rock. I just hate knowing the live rock is going to be sitting somewhere over the weekend and stuff will be dying on it. On top of that, we have had our 120g tank sitting with water, sand, skimmer and filter since Feb 10 and I am dying to get...
  13. poesraven

    Advice on live rock order

    I'm in Rockford IL. You must have ordered before me. You got it cheaper and shipped faster.
  14. poesraven

    Advice on live rock order

    You guessed right....same guy. I will give him credit for answering my emails right away at least. I had read reviews on a reef site about a year ago and people were saying he was great to buy from, great rock, etc. I'm going to hope for the best and see. Can you email and let me know how your...
  15. poesraven

    Advice on live rock order

    It was free standard fedex shipping on orders of 50lbs and free overnight on orders of 75lbs or more. Shipping showed 1-3 days from them to me. (FL to IL) The rock is for my 120g we just set up. I figured we would get some base rock, order some cheaper live rock online and hope it's decent and...
  16. poesraven

    Advice on live rock order

    Thanks for the opinions, they pretty much match my own. According to their shipping info, it should have shipped on 2/13/06. (Monday) He said the shipment was delayed and my order would go out the next Monday. (2/20/06). When I checked the tracking # yesterday it showed my order was shipped...
  17. poesraven

    Advice on live rock order

    Hi everyone, I need some advice on live rock that I ordered online. (not from here). I ordered 50 lbs of live rock on Feb 12. Their shipping policy states that the rock would arrive (at my house) in 2-3 days. My order just got shipped yesterday. I checked the tracking number and it shows a...
  18. poesraven

    Local Fish Store in IL

    I also went there. I have no idea if the place was dirty or clean because I only had expectations of walking into a feed store with a fish room & that's exactly what it was. When I go to an aquacenter I guess I expect more "atmosphere", if that makes sense. So, I walked in the door and straight...
  19. poesraven

    What to do with mushroom coral?

    I just have the regular fluorescent lighting. My creatures are a flame hawkfish, orange spotted goby, astrea snails, a few red tip hermits, 2 dwarf blue leg hermits, sally lightfoot, decorator crab, bumble bee snail & a choc. chip star.
  20. poesraven

    What to do with mushroom coral?

    I bought a decorator crab about a week ago. When I got him home, I realized he had tiny corals stuck on him. There were about 7-8 and they were a darkish purple color. I have a FOWLR and know absolutely nothing about corals. A couple of days ago, he started dropping some of the corals. My...