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  1. junkiebeas

    my 55 reef so far ...

    How much for the firefish?
  2. junkiebeas

    Willie's Reef Tank

    About the tangs don't even go there.
  3. junkiebeas

    Willie's Reef Tank

    I do Have a 55. This is a friend of mine tank. I just do the hard work for him.
  4. junkiebeas

    ID please

    Alveopora Coral
  5. junkiebeas

    Best fuge algae???

    Red Mangrove and caulerpa
  6. junkiebeas

    Willie's Reef Tank

    Well is a 30 gal tank. Lightning Coral Life Fixture 1 PC 10K and 1 50/50. 2 lunar lights
  7. junkiebeas

    Willie's Reef Tank

    The toadstooll is nothing especial i think is the water quality. When ever he's not himself something is wrong whit the tank. Filtration Wet & Dry and ecosistem.
  8. junkiebeas


    Here are mine
  9. junkiebeas

    Some Eye Candy

  10. junkiebeas

    Willie's Reef Tank

  11. junkiebeas

    Willie's Reef Tank

    1 year & half
  12. junkiebeas

    Some Eye Candy

    Here I Go Again
  13. junkiebeas

    Post those Blennies

    Red Lip
  14. junkiebeas

    55gl pics please!!!!!!!1

    There use to be 10. 8 now
  15. junkiebeas

    55gl pics please!!!!!!!1

    Here you go
  16. junkiebeas

    New Additions

    They both have long swepper tentacles. they will sting each other till one of them win.
  17. junkiebeas

    Sad Day For Junkie

    Just a few drops.
  18. junkiebeas

    New Additions

    Get the frogspawn away from your torch thy will kill eachother.