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  1. locafella

    what to put in 80gl

    so if I replace the undulated trigger with a huma huma trigger, what else can I put in the tank. so far Niger Trigger Lunar wrasse Huma Triger what else can I put with these fish? What about the Lion fish or a puffer? What else
  2. locafella

    what to put in 80gl

    Thanks. I'll get rid of the undulated trigger. what about the huma huma
  3. locafella

    what to put in 80gl

  4. locafella

    what to put in 80gl

    thanks for the advice
  5. locafella

    what to put in 80gl

    So far I've got a Niger trigger, Undulated trigger, and a lunar wrasse. What else would get along with this group. What about a lion, or a puffer. What type