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  1. dr.coral

    somebody help me setup a 10g reef tank

    O.K. so you guys are telling me that i need to start with a fish only tank but if i do a fish only tank i will get a 20 or 29g if it will be less then $100 or $150
  2. dr.coral

    make a trap for fish

    they do i think???
  3. dr.coral


    here go to illegal link you can find 4 sharks
  4. dr.coral

    what do i need to start a salt water tank

    what do i need to start a salt water tank? i am looking for 25 steps on starting a salt water fish tank i am buying a fresh water tank kit for $54.99 it comes with filter heater and 29g tank
  5. dr.coral

    what do i need to breed clown fish

    i think so
  6. dr.coral

    make a trap for fish

    i swim by here go down to were it says live image
  7. dr.coral

    make a trap for fish

    i live in nj and i wanted to know what fish i can get because were we go swimming there is a reef and i have seen eels,clown fish,tangs,jellyfish,coral,shark eggs and more so i wonder if i can make a trap to trap them in like with sticks or something and put them in my sw tank p.s. a pic is...
  8. dr.coral

    what do i need to breed clown fish

    any more stuff i need to know and does the tile need to be in the tank for ever
  9. dr.coral

    what do i need to breed clown fish

    cool pic so is it a alot of $$ for one and i still dont know what it does
  10. dr.coral

    have you bin to www.***********.com

    have you bin to www.***********.com the thing is i want to buy my fish from there they have 14 day that your fish will not die and if it does they will send a new one for free!!!!! why because the stores here only give your fish 1 day guarantee and that only at the one store some dont even give...
  11. dr.coral

    what do i need to breed clown fish

    what is a slate? p.s. do you have a pic so i know what it looks like thank you for any help
  12. dr.coral

    Anybody from CANADA?

    no i am at nj
  13. dr.coral

    help me i can not pm

    why cant i pm it will not let me pm
  14. dr.coral

    Starting first nano

    same here i am starting a nano reef so if you get some go info can you pm me
  15. dr.coral

    how often do YOU check message boards?

    3or4 times a day
  16. dr.coral

    somebody help me setup a 10g reef tank

    so i need to start with a plain tank
  17. dr.coral

    somebody help me setup a 10g reef tank

    i want a 10g reef tank to start with and then a add 1clown fish 1clown goby and 1 green clown goby i need some help all i have is a 10g tank and a filter p.s. is a 10g reef tank going to cost a lot of $$ all i want is it to be done for less then $150 that i want it to be done for less then $100...
  18. dr.coral

    what do i need to breed clown fish

    no i have 1clown gody and 1clown fish but i will get 1 more if they will breed but do i need a sea anemone for them to breed yes or no
  19. dr.coral

    what do i need to breed clown fish

    kind of do i need a breeding box and can you tell if the girl is about to breed