Search results

  1. jhataway

    green algae

    What type of fish eat green algae?
  2. jhataway

    adding fish after 1 week?

    thanks!! What about going ahead and adding a yellow tang?
  3. jhataway

    adding fish after 1 week?

    I have had my 55 gal tank set up with live rock for 1 week and was told that i could add the fish that I wanted (damsels, clowns and tangs), is this so? all my test read correct.
  4. jhataway

    live rock lighting

    I just started this tank, it has been a long time since I have had a salt water tank. All I have are the stock flourecent lights that came with the tank.
  5. jhataway

    live rock lighting

    What type of lighting does live rock do best in?