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  1. aannddyy

    Quick QueStioN about Lr

  2. aannddyy

    Quick QueStioN about Lr

    my Live rock has currently been growing these little round purple things on them is this normal?
  3. aannddyy

    hippo tang and blue tang pics!

    show ur blue and yellow tangs!
  4. aannddyy

    QuIcK Light question

    i alredy have a 15 watt florescent light that is 50/50, blue atlantic and other half is 50 sunlight. i can get one more bulb for the front of my tank what kind is good for my tank and looks good too?
  5. aannddyy

    75g,4yrs establsh. setup NJ

    do u have eny LR i can buy seperately? and how much?
  6. aannddyy

    Awesome paintball gun for sale

    jt sux get a spider extra its only like 150 and its so much better
  7. aannddyy

    Wts 135 Gallon Complete Setup $800 or parting out

    how big is ur blue tang ? and how much whould it be to ship it to springfield PA 19064?
  8. aannddyy


    gimme web !
  9. aannddyy

    10 Gallon Nano For Sale Cheap In NY!!!

    how much for just the 15 pounds of LR?
  10. aannddyy

    anyone in pa need a 90 gal fish tank?

    i live in springfield pa how much for all?
  11. aannddyy

    Pacific Blue Tang

    ive read lots of things about hippo tangs that they lose their color as they get older. if the fish is acting the same it was before, thats the reason.
  12. aannddyy


    i seen people have them in 44 gal tank togeter and they were fine
  13. aannddyy


    Koran sry
  14. aannddyy


    can a blue coran angel a yellow tang and a blue hippo tang live togeter in a 65 gallon tank?
  15. aannddyy

    blue Koran angel

    how big was ur tank?
  16. aannddyy


    whats a 20 inch size thing that holds the light bulb with more watts under 70 dollars?
  17. aannddyy

    blue Koran angel

    if not can it live with a yellow tang?
  18. aannddyy

    blue Koran angel

    can a blue koran angel live with a small hippo tang?
  19. aannddyy


    i just got a starfish today in my 44 gal tank an hour later it has like a web but with bubbles on it
  20. aannddyy


    well if i buy another 17 watts of light would that be enough?