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  1. jjones757

    Lighting question

    Thanks Viper
  2. jjones757

    Lighting question

    Whats the cheapest lighting i could use for a Toadstool leather in a 24x12x20 tank. Thanks
  3. jjones757

    live rock question

    How many lbs. of lve rock should i have for a tank between 20 to 30 gallons? Thanks
  4. jjones757

    Anemone Question

    If I were to get 3 different clowns and I wanted anemone would I have to get 3 anemones or would they not fight over 1, also can other fish be in a tank with anemones? Thanks in advanced.
  5. jjones757


    Does anyone know if there is such thing as a blue percula clownfish, if so where could i get one? Thanks
  6. jjones757

    needs help

    Can 2 percula clowns, a Dwarf lion and a red linckia, live in a 10 or 12 gallon tank? If not a dwarf lion can i put another fish with fish with them like a Clarkii clown? Thanks in advanced for your help.
  7. jjones757

    Needs help

    I would like to get, 2 Percula Clowns Antennata lion or maybe a Dwarf lion and a Clarkii clown. Can i do this with a tank no bigger than 10 or 12 gallons? If so woukd a Antennata lion be fine or should i go with the Dwarf or no lion at all, also what inverts would you recomened? The tank I'm...