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  1. fishman7663

    SPS Question

    bump....there is no one with any possible answer?
  2. fishman7663

    SPS Question

    Hello all!! Here is a pic of my montipora...I think it is an encrusting monti...please correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, it has begun to spread over my live rock. You can see to the left of the monti where it is spreading...My question is: is it impossible to separate the monti from the rock...
  3. fishman7663

    international shipping?

  4. fishman7663

    international shipping?

    Hello to all, I just wanted to get an idea of what I am working with. In a few years, I will be moving to Japan and I am already planning my 2nd marine tank (the right way). I did a small nano so I have a general idea of how to run a saltwater tank and now I am going to be stepping it up to at...
  5. fishman7663

    international shipping?

    Hello to all, I just wanted to get an idea of what I am working with. In a few years, I will be moving to Japan and I am already planning my 2nd marine tank (the right way). I did a small nano so I have a general idea of how to run a saltwater tank and now I am going to be stepping it up to at...
  6. fishman7663

    New 10 Gallon Tank!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Hentz Yes I just started the 55 2 weeks ago. I cycled with the fish and didn't know about the shrimp until afterwards. Wow, you cycled with Clownfish?? I am surprised you didn't get killed on here...Most people do not cycle or do not approve of cycling with fish...
  7. fishman7663


    Quote: Originally Posted by Fishman7663 I have been looking for this RO water in supermarkets and so far, all I found were the spring water filling stations. I will keep looking and if I find one, I will switch to RO water. Thanks again Flower On second thought, I was looking into the RO water...
  8. fishman7663


    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower RO water can be purchased at the grocery store at those filling water stations (use your own jugs). I got mine from Walmart for 37 cents a gallon. It isn't the price, it's the purity of the water, distilled won't hurt, I don't know about the long haul using...
  9. fishman7663


    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower Hi, Distilled water is just boiled to remove bacteria, certain elements are still in the water. RO is reverse osmoses, which runs thru many filters to make it pure....and what you want to use, it's also cheaper than distilled. +++10 good for not using plain...
  10. fishman7663


    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower They do indeed sell iodine test kits, and the kit instructions will tell you what the level should be. Please believe me, if you do weekly water changes you don't need to dose anything. The new mixed saltwater has everything in it to keep the tank water...
  11. fishman7663


    Quote: Originally Posted by Red Tiger When was the last time you checked your water? I check my water on a daily basis. I do water changes EVERY weekend. It is only a 10 gallon so it is easy to do. Nitrates: 20ppm Nitrites 0 ppm Ammonia 0 ppm Calcium 400-425 Salinity/Gravity 34/1.024 Quote...
  12. fishman7663


    How often does everyone dose iodine for invertebrates? I just lost my emerald crab and I believe it was one or the other. Either not enough iodine in the water or not enough food. I was giving him some seaweed but not every day. I just bought some iodine and a new emerald crab. How often...
  13. fishman7663

    Snails and crabs

    All crabs and snails are not the same. I have the Astrea snails and they tend to move around, but they do hang out at the top of the tank a lot. Although, I am not sure what happened, I was looking in the tank one day and noticed a hermit crab roaming the tank in an Astrea shell. Not sure if...
  14. fishman7663

    Red-legged hermit thief

    What? I was looking into my tank and noticed something sticking out of my snails shell that looked like a leg and I could swear that it was crawling around. When I took a closer look ,I could not believe hermit crab ate my Astrea snail and stole his shell. Not sure if the snail was...
  15. fishman7663

    Water circulation

    Quote: Originally Posted by lol So, what did you go with? I found an old Aquaclear 10 power head that I had for one of my old tanks. Temporarily, I added that to my tank. It adds a little circulation, but that is better than nothing. With both the Whisper filter and power head flow, it seems...
  16. fishman7663

    Water circulation

    Quote: Originally Posted by 1guyDude they are basic E26 or E27 i think screw in style bulb, same as 60w reg light bulb...the real thing to be aware of is enough light... u want at least 5 3w leds or 12-15 1w leds in ur par38s... the K is the kelvin temp or color of the spectrum or something...
  17. fishman7663

    Water circulation

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 I'd personally go with a Koralia 450 nano to be honest. A little more circulation is better then less, as the dude pointed out. You really should look into a PAR38 LED light. Some of them are even customizable with a remote control as to what colors that...
  18. fishman7663

    Water circulation

    Quote: Originally Posted by 1guyDude lol ya sry u caught me! I missed that part....get one 450 or two 240s.... I used to have a 10g thats now a sump... should have a thread here somewheres! I ran one 50w heater, enhim hob filter, one par38, than later i got a skimmer... best get a lil nano...
  19. fishman7663

    Water circulation

    Quote: Originally Posted by 1guyDude even with FO imo its best to have good water add one 1050 or even two 750s! Good to have one powerhead pointing upwards kinda towards the top for surface airagation or watever its oxygen! I checked out the 750 and the 1050...
  20. fishman7663

    Water circulation

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 I've seen some 10g nano tanks with just the mechanical filter on the side of it. Though, one beautiful nano I saw did have a koralia 240 nano on the other side. If you are going for a reef tank, depending on what you are going to keep, the next size up...