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  1. danisreef

    F/S UV sterilizer

    Would you take $45 shipped??????
  2. danisreef

    F/S nassarius snails

    Sold, thanks everyone.
  3. danisreef

    F/S nassarius snails

    Logen32 what is your email?
  4. danisreef

    F/S nassarius snails

    I was really trying to sell them all or maybe split them in to shipments of 40 snails or so. Sorry.
  5. danisreef

    F/S nassarius snails

    I live in Wisconsin.
  6. danisreef

    F/S nassarius snails

    All still available.
  7. danisreef

    F/S nassarius snails

  8. danisreef

    F/S nassarius snails

    Yes, all still for sale.
  9. danisreef

    F/S nassarius snails

    I have 80 nassarius obsoleta snails for sale or will trade for mushrooms. Looking for red or blue mushrooms, (really, anything but green striped and brown harry ones). We are taking down the 45g reef and keeping our 15g and these guys should really to go. Dani
  10. danisreef

    For sale:Nassarius snails

    Do you have any snails left?