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  1. mushromman


    Would like to see a pic of your mod... Thanks!
  2. mushromman

    Electrical Question-fans...

    Alright all you DIY-er's! How many of those little CPU cooling fans can be run off of one power supply? Also, what power supply should I use...12v? Any imput would be a appreciated. I am setting up a 10 gal w/6x13w pc. The ballasts will be housed in two computer power supply housings, with the...
  3. mushromman


    That's what I wanted to hear...NOTHING!!!
  4. mushromman

    DIY Moonlights

    Do a search for: R2 Solution Moonlight I saw a pic of a tank on another forum, with that light on there...looked great. Plus, it's cheap, and easy to install...
  5. mushromman


    How much noise does the airlifter make? I am lookin' at getting one for my overflow...tired of the venturi powerhead venting all that air into the tank! Just curious...Thx!
  6. mushromman

    new nano

    Added bonus, the sarco does well in almost any light...the one in the picture was reportedly under only 1.5 watts per gallon NO flourescent.
  7. mushromman

    new nano

    Thought I'd just throw my 2 cents on the counter. If you aren't dead set on an anemone, there are some other animals that clowns are known to host. I don't know this from personal experience, but I've read that some varieties of Sarcophyton are attractive to clowns. The sarcos are extremely...
  8. mushromman

    Diy Skimmer For A 10 Gallon

    do a search for: Smallest external protien skimmer You might find something useful...
  9. mushromman

    My Diy EuroReef

    Would like the link also, please!!! :D
  10. mushromman


    Originally posted by dalley I have a 5 gal mini bow and I use 2 10W PC's. They are like 10 bucks each ... the only mod you have to do is to center the stock dual light recepticle to accomodate both bulbs. I'll second dalley, I have a 5 Gal Minibow, I did the light mod just exactly like he did...
  11. mushromman

    how do you drill the holes

    I've had success drilling AGA 10 Gallons with a dremel tool and diamond point bits. I set up a drip line and keep the drip constantly running accross the site to keep it cool. Just go slow, have patience (spell?)... BTW...just letting you know how I have been successful...I take no...