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  1. sam i am

    Ritteri Anemone

    I plan on keeping a Ritteri Anemone in a 30 x 12 x 18 (29 gallon tank w/ a 15 gallon sump). As far as lighting is concerned, I understand this anemone has higher ligting needs. Will 300 watts of vho lights be enough to allow this creature to thrive.
  2. sam i am

    Euro fil sump question

    I have a Euro fil sump and wanted to know what was the best way to clean the filter sock???????????
  3. sam i am

    Are my lights appropriate for my tank?

    Great, thnx
  4. sam i am

    Are my lights appropriate for my tank?

    I am going to get a 175w mh w/ 2 96w compact florescent lighting system for a 50 gallon (36 x15 x 20) tank. Can I keep clams and sps with ease (as far as the lighting) under this system?
  5. sam i am

    lights for a 55 gallon

    Will a lighting system with a 150w mh and 2 96w pc in a 55 gallon aquarium be enough for clams and sps? Is there a ratio for watts to gallons?
  6. sam i am

    help! damage to my clam

    Sorry for the delay, it looks as if they are picking at it. The clam has since contracted and appears to be withering. Some of its flesh is folded back.
  7. sam i am

    help! damage to my clam

    there are these tiny white/clear critters running all over my clam. the critters kinda look like shrimp. i belive they are mysis shrimp or something. please help:help: :confused: :help:
  8. sam i am

    Aqualite Pro Hqi Fixture

    Are the Coralife AQUALITE PRO HQI FIXTURE any good?
  9. sam i am

    lighting for a new 50 g

  10. sam i am

    lighting for a new 50 g

    i have a 50 gallon tank which measures approx 36x16x20 with a flip top wooden hood. i plan to place clams, soft corals and some hard corals. what type of lighting should i put in there and which name brands are good?