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  1. fish4eva

    quick question on fresh

    use bottled water. What kind of fish are you going to keep?
  2. fish4eva

    Need a puppy name!

    I've all ways liked the name dog. You spell out the name.You say the letters. Kinda hard to understand.Please tell me what you name it.
  3. fish4eva

    Dog Owners, is this normal?

    That is normal. I use to have a dog. She use to have 7 dops. She use to nuzzle them try to feed them. Let her have those toys. Maybe buy something less noisy. My new puppy trys to do that with my guines pig.
  4. fish4eva

    The case of the disappering fish....

    have you checked the filters? I always see fish in there.They also might have jumped out. Not the clam though.otherwise it don't ko
  5. fish4eva

    blackfoot clarkii eggs

    I know how you feel. My fish had babies and only 2 are alive. I wonder if you can move the eggs into a baby saver. I did that. But that was in fresh water. I was up looking at my fish at 2:00 in the morning and they where live birth. That day I bought the food for the babies and a baby saver. I...