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  1. reefdoctor

    SO Frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Check into Tonga Live rock. This type of rock makes great caves and make very nice displays. Most of all don't give up. Try, Try Again! :joy: Good Luck! reedoctor
  2. reefdoctor


    Anemones can be very hard to keep and their care level is often underestimated. Conditions in your tank need to be ideal. You need to have a lot of light. They are nourished by symbitic photosynthetic algae that live inside their tissues. They also continuously feed on plankton. I suggest that...
  3. reefdoctor

    Im setting up my first salt water aquarium. I need some help

    First I want to say that I have been into saltwater for 15 years, and I run an Aquarium store. Without getting into to much detail you should check out 2 books: "Natural Reef Aquariums" by John H Tullock and if you are doing clownfish "Clownfishes" by Joyce D. Wilkerson. Good luck Reefdoctor!